Personally, I use surrender to madness, then VB < DP < VT < SW:D then hard swap to Karam. but apparently you don’t want to be using STM
Just being more aware of when they’re spawning and swapping instantly. If you’re doing the slow start you can be more liberal with CDs, but just VT pain dp torrent blast death was enough for me to kill a hand with about 2s left on the cast.
S2M is an option, especially if you’re doing slow raest because once raest is alone you don’t necessarily ‘need’ CDs ever again.
The goal is just to get to that point by any means necessary, and begin the slow process of whittling him down. If you need to S2M a hand somewhere to do that, then do that.
Can’t believe the reason I’ve been losing was because I was eating all of his shadowbolts lol. Thank you everyone for the tips
It’s certainly a reason, shadows challenge is hard, but it’s not so hard that there’s only one possible way to do it. This has lead to a lot of confusion in discussions between how’s best and what other people are doing without really seeing the whole picture.
Now you’ve got a better idea of what you’re aiming for, it’ll probably still take some practice, but patience will get you there.
Any talents that kill adds will be amazing by the way. You’ll have to kill a LOT of them once you’re done with Karam and outranging raest.
Wait, I thought…
You and me both dude,I guess consumables don’t actually trivialize the fights
Maybe he should equip his old-TW set and pop some consumables.
I mean that would just completely trivialize the fight right? Seems the best way
Are you two quite finished…?
/10 characters
We’re just letting OP know about this alternate strat he proposed in another thread.
I’m simply just trying to understand the OP. If simply using some consumables will trivialize the fight why not just spend the tiny amount of gold on drums flask pots and such and one shot it
What is going on?
Nm whats up duder
Just some weird socially awkward dude who has this thing where he’ll decide to obsessively post the same “comment” over and over at someone.
Or the fact OP trolled in another thread saying the Mage Tower is trivial and now he’s here asking how to beat it…
I mean… he’s not wrong. There were fights that definitely were trivialized by certain enchants and consumables which have since been hotfixed. As for the other guy, I looked at his post history. He has habit of doing this type of obsessive harassment.
You’re pretty wanna make out? Also I simply wanna know why if the mage tower is made completely trivial by consumables the OP hasn’t beat it yet, he won’t tell me i wanna know i need to know
You are allowing this obsession with consumables…consume you. lol