Hey Winndixie! Glad to hear from you.
Started at launch (somewhat here) in a guild named Schizm. We came from the Fury guild in DAoC on the Midgard Kay server I believe. GM’s Knuckles and Sapphire IIRC.
I think Thunderlord was our second server as the initial one we joined at midnight on launch day was so laggy we bailed when they started opening new servers.
Sanman, it’s Humphrey, what’s the discord? Strat#1856 on bnet or kevbo#9615 on discord.
Aares the warrior from Strong Spirits, Mystic Cheerios, and Inquisition
Smashshock during BC w/ Inq remakes Tribute / Reforged.
Searching for;
Emptronic - EMO WHERE U AT? Never got those magazines.
Quartermain - Let me hop in those PvP groups brotha!
CBS - Just want to see you rage at having to swim through rivers when no one else does cuz gnomed.
Strattos - I will never forgive you for using your hoarded DKP on Hand of Rag as a Hpaly.
Applemask / Biscuit - Good to see you guys are still around, hope you’re well!
Trying to get Gangstagang back in the mix too. Reply here so I can send him screenshots and talk him into playing again.
Much love Thunderlord
- Aares
Btag: CGVbiez#1169
Yah I remember you
oh crap, look who it is!!! what’s going on Mikhail you nub, it’s Stonaz! Where are you going to be playing?
Hahaha I remember raiding with you back in the day
Toon name was Yajerobi Gnome Rogue
alt was Odvix Night elf warrior
I was in Care bears and Angry Beavers.
if you remember me feel free to add me. Preplex#1836
Orca? Angry beavers?? Karakator reporting for duty hahah
Oh snap…
I’m muffin man the home warriors/mage
yo! I didn’t realize you were Ashnod- I’ve read a lot of your stuff on H2P and priest Discord. Small world. I’ve played a priest named Malakoi on Blackhand intermittently for a while.
My man! It’s been years. Alliance on Herod. Always room if you’d like to tag along.
Hey there thunderlord brethren!
My name was Roti! I was a NE Warrior. I was in Mystic Cheerios for a little while, and The Mediocre Men for a short time. Hit me up if you remember me!
Looking for a human female priest named Healstation. And the old truck driving lunatic who was GM of Mystic Cheerios. (a NE rogue can’t remember name).
Addios I remember you bro! I had a human priest named Ghostyoon in Lil Vengenz! I came here looking for Instaheal and found you instead haha. Still searching for Enderwiggen (human pally) and his irl brother Bartimaeus (dwarf hunter). Good to see you back!
Yeah sure, he hasn’t logged on bnet for 3 years though. I mostly play Summoners war with him nowadays (mobile game)
Howdy, Im Fallhunter. Im the worst warrior ever. I used to GM Pirates of The Lost Sea and talk on trade.
Hey man! It’s Witt! Our tank back in Mystic Cheerios was Minipaul? I’ve rolled Horde and has been on Dalaran a few years now. I’ll join you as Horde on either Mankrik or Pagle. Let me know.
Anyone still know the warlock hottots? Was in tribute during BC
Thank you, I appreciate it!
Hello Thunderlord.
My name is Kamanse. I was a Human Warrior. Played in SoL for a while and also played in Mediocre Men. I also played a Night Elf Druid named Kifro.