Human Female Mage named Jagerbombs, Guild I was in was call Carebears? Anyone out there from the good old days?
Yup I’ll be there soon as everyone decides on server.
Awesome! My battle tag is JediBowflex#1683 . You should add me and let me know where you guys are thinking of going and which race!
Ketracel - Cobra Kai Dojo - Cleared MC, BWL and Spider wing within original Naxx before BC was released. Where are my peeps at?
Hi guys, I’m Applemask the human paladin.
I founded The Mediocre Men at the launch of vanilla, then left for The Force, then left for Angry Beavers, then left for DOP, then hung out with Exare in A Shadow, then went back to The Mediocre Men while I did some soul searching and Grand Marshal grinding. Then, I was in Incultus, then Indomitus, then Inquisition, then went back to The Mediocre Men and made it a real guild for big boys and girls at the launch of BC.
Most of my vanilla memories include ganking anywhere and everywhere, furiously belting out my own outright idiocy at people on the forums, and the sheer amount of crazy people who tried to doxx me on a weekly basis after I started grinding GM.
I never actually left. I’m trapped here. Forever.
Thanks for reading my newsletter.
Edit: I forgot I was in Cobra Kai Dojo’s predecessor guild, Dementia, for like 10 minutes before I went to Inquisition. I apologize.
Yo apple its warrest what’s ur bnet tag
I sent you request Benny#1279
REALM LIST is available now!
So, which realms are you guys choosing? Personally, I prefer a PvP realm. Id love to have the option to hang out and harass my old buddies (Khaotic Order esp. lol) My main characters were:
Eclipx (human war-pvp’er),
Gimidge (gnome war tank for raiding. Back when GIRLS didn’t tank LMAO),
Sariah Eisabeau Meenx (human priest whose name I changed a few times along the way. Her name is Meenxy now and has been for AGES).
I have located a few old guildies here as well as others outside of this forum:
HOLLYBEAR (khaotic order) & ACHILLIES (khaotic order) are around as well.
My Battletag is Meenxy#1848
Discord Meenxy#0602
Sef… whats your Btag? Mine is Meenxy#1848
Hey guys! Shivetta here. I can’t believe you guys are still around. Clippy, I tried hopping on your discord but it said that the invite was expired. I wanna round the fam up and figure out a server. Definitely rolling on a pvp server again.
Im logged into Discord again now. Meenxy#0602 or Battletag Meenxy#1848
Shivetta… at THIS moment in time a group of us are planning to create characters on Whitemane. When this is confirmed I will let you know.
What up Brod, Quartermain here! Couple few of us OG Unwanted left… Sweetie, Ingram, Rydiak to name a few.
I was in Carebears as well. Human mage named Jagerbombs
I think I remember Achillies (NE Rogue?) when he was in Vires Veneratio in TBC.
Name was Morzon, played as a human Paladin. Don’t remember guild name at the time
Character: Deielador NE Hunter
Guild: Ominous Darkness (OD)
Fully cleared MC and ZG were working on AQ20 then broke apart wondering if anyone remembers me?
I remember SoL from back in the day too such nostalgia in this forum right now
Looking for any of the original members of Resisted from the end of vanilla and BC was co gm with Calas as Amyntherra NE Priest until late 08.
Biscuitgravy the Dwarf paladin and all of his assorted ____gravy brethren. Started my own guild that I don’t remember the name of, merged with Mystic Cheerios where I was until BC (with like a 30 minute stint in Schizm). Guild disintegrated in BC and Apple pulled me over to The Mediocre Men and I’ve been there ever since.
I’m old and have kids now, so I’m probably going to be a coward and roll on either Mankrik or Pagle (Normal) since my life has no time for the joys of being camped in STV for months any longer. I’ll also probably roll horde with some old Kokujin dudes.