Thunderlord Alliance Reconnections


LF Drunkenstabb, Phaintom, Asilberixi, Fap, Pharis, Mokoa

I think we transferred at one point. I don’t remember what server, I sold my account after BC was announced. The guy who got it, got the account banned. I recovered it several years later.

Anyways, looking for lost connections. <3

Whats happening Dagen, this is Borumir! How you been?

Borumir of CKD here!

Borumir - Dwarf Paladin - Cobra Kai Dojo

Wow, I’ve not seen those names in waaay to long.


Lot of familiar names


I used to play a priest with the same name here, Olympique.

I was no one important game wise, but I used to love the Tlord forums back in the day. Actually became friends with some Horde, Adapt, Reapercometh, Elvandra(I know I spelt this wrong) when she was Alliance and when she switched to Horde.

Feel free to add me if you remember me, Queso#1680

I remember you, I raided with xeno from late tier 5 to Ulduar.

I was Storm, NE Rogue

Remember a gnome warrior called Extremeone?

i remember you, man. i was also in goat clan with chaz and esuna and amber and so many more.

I was around for classic and BC. Played a NE Rogue named Forte. Was just some young pvp elitist prick :stuck_out_tongue:

Muztok… gnome rogue in SoL… I was there with Fupac and Vampira and everybody for the first Ragnaros kill. So much fun <3

I’m just now seeing these reply’s to the post. Of course I remember Calyx duels as we waited to roll out to MC!

Healdoctor / Witchdoctor / Davenpro here! I was in HAKD and SFC Alliance, really cool to see a lot of these old names!