Dunbas-Undead Rogue, Tekneek-Nightelf Druid/others, Darkoxen-Gnome Mage
Great to see so many familiar names, what’s up Ingram, Raynor, Rydiak
Juelz’s group switched to Sulfuras (Alliance) last night and I’m following.
Anyone seen Marcinko, Thugwife, Amur?
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anyone friends with vandimar? hes not getting back to me…
Hi All,
Skeram queue is brutal. Several of us are going to try to play on Benediction server (East Coast PvP). We’re alliance if anyone is interested in joining.
Silly Sailor! Why horde? >.<
I was in carebears! My character name was Cancerstick, a gnome warlock. I would love to reconnect with former guildies! I’m currently playing an orc warrior named Bigtee on Kromcrush! Hit me up!
Druid Pomnikow in SFC Alliance then Nerdcraft, got old guild mates playing ally on Kromcrush.
We ended up rolling on Benediction, which works out because some plagiarizing megajerks took my name on the three or four full servers, and also because anyone wasting their life on a 10,000+ login queue is more than a little batty.
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Whats up Malkov! I remember raiding and Pvping with you
Pink haired gnome warlock named Calena. Good times!
Wow! So awesome to see this feature released by Blizzard to reconnect people.
I played a gnome Warlock with pink hair named Calena - did PVP with the boys and raided quite a bit as well. Was in all sorts of guilds for varying amounts of time. Let me know if anyone remembers playing together!
I remember you. I played on Fallenone a NE hunter back then in Strong Spirits although most of the guild knew my pet better than me. I still have a few of the old guildies on my bnet.
Hey guys,
Himmelblau here from nerdcraft. Leveled that guy up, gave him to Aesthetics when I started raiding and tanking as Sirsneaky.
Playing on smolderweb as horde, hit me up if any of you are playing on that server.
What’s up buddy, it’s Buds! Where are you playing?
Yowie, Xowie, Zzowie, etc
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Andery here, played a Human Priest through vanilla.
I was in SFC Alliance, Angry Beavers, Unwanted, Strong Spirits, Ubiquitous and a few others.
I think I remember you tanking MC naked… not 100% if that was you or not.
Vivi, Gnome Mage
Kreedlaan, Human warrior
twink 49
Playing on Smolderweb
Yooooo I remember you from from Wrath, what server you on?
Hey all, sincethe servers are down may as well toss out a thread.
I played Squick a NE rogue and Ceri druid in BC -> current times. I first was in Revelationz and then joined Vex.
Ya’ll can still find me on Thunderlord in Vex but for classic im on Benidiction with The Mediocre Men. Yes TMM is alive, well mostly.
I played a Night Elf Druid named Tye. Ran League of Dominance but left for Mystic Cheerios and Necromongers!