If Emok is who I’m thinking it is (played an orc warlock), I’m real life friends with him and his brother Sammu (who has been one of my best friends most of my life). I think Sammu has expressed interest in trying Classic again, who knows, maybe his brother may as well.
Yeah I remember most of those now that you mention them. You and Aggie tanked everything for us. I still honestly don’t remember my own names from back then. I believe my lock was Warrick, my priest was Underlord and I think my shammy never changed from TreyZ. Hunter might have been Blazex.
What about Shishkbob, know where he is? Iirc Hillje was almost always our “out of combat rezzer” who somehow became the first person to finish his MC tier set…while doing virtually nothing except rez people after we wiped to save everyone from running back lol.
Hey Hey,
Talani - Tauren Shaman
was in Capitis Damnare
Kaval - troll rogue
Lobster Brood
Any plans for Thunderhorn/Lobster Brood to play on a particular server?
Hi @Grimwar!
Heya Kaval! I was wondering the same thing. I saved some names but not sure ultimately where I’ll end up. Feel free to add me if you like!
Jaided-Troll Hunter Lobster Brood
Hey folks
MurdokX Orc Warrior played with Asentic and Lucker
Rolling on Incendius for classic
see ya then!
Nice. Roll on Herod! I’ll be alliance there. Going mage for Classic.
earthwurm <- the shaman… ill prolly be starting with this guy on vanilla
wurmoneonine <- the mage
wurmy <- drood
i have a few facebook friends from the old days as well. cocsos, cylly, and a few others. I dont think cocsos is coming back but i think cylly is
this motherf***er, Alcry! what it be brooo. long time no see. Your coming to pagle… that wasnt a question. Meet you there
See you guys on pagle! SO FREAKING pumped! Let me know what names you create!
omg is she? i havent asker her yet lol
Morbide here, rogue from Lobster Brood during the days of Grimwar, Kaval, Omni, Ubi, Alamo, Jemba, Jaided, Wanoonikao etc. My memory of names is pretty bad.
My younger sister started in guild just before me, Elazul and some other name for her mage when she switched to it. She knew Omniscient IRL.
Hi btw to those that have posted above.
Still live in Alaska so a PST server for me. I’ll be rolling on Fairbanks horde side with a guild called Fury lead by some people from private servers and YouTube (Skarm). I’ll be playing a warrior, Jessejay.
Lol I miss them Alamo post. The all caplock, misspelled words, and ridiculous comments but still somewhat very educational
Hey Organna! Frosti / Kurapica here, where are you guys rolling for classic?
Sinkiller here.
I wasn’t much of a raider, but I remember most of the names I’m seeing here.
Had RL friends who did raid ( Sivad, Eeref ) whogot me into Twisted Fate and, eventually, The House, which was nice. Good to see all these names again.
Good to see you here after so long!
YO! Good to see you Kaval!
Awesome, hope to see you in game Tazeer!
Oh dang I remember many guild names but not many people, too long ago.
Never made it to 60 to do any of the fun stuff back, way too young, but I was Corpsicle and mainly stayed at 29/39/49 for just mass amounts of pvp after the 10-19 bracket was released. Was in ANIMOSITY for a little bit then somehow joined Shadow Command (think they just absorbed some of us and I came with?).
I was just wondering if I’d see some of the old guilds like LB/TF come back, awesome to see some of you here because I definitely remember inspecting many of your members
This time around though, after making many friends through MMOs since 2005 I have a guild of 50+ old raiders from many games ready to roll and get to actually do what I wanted to do so many years ago. We rolling on Herod (Alliance) though so no more Corpsicle, I will be Biffels the Warrior