Thunderhorn Horde Reconnections

Nantahala 60 Enhancement shaman, made the rank of Centurion in pvp.
Pvp guild Psych Ward, guild leader was Marchello who was an undead warrior
We shut down every pvp bracket from 20 to 60, we rolled premades in purples when we were just in blues. Good times.
Some of the other characters in the guild were Soju: undead rogue, Iril: undead priest, Laki: troll shaman. Can’t remember the rest.
Raiding guild for awhile was Dogs of War.

Nerdsrule - Troll Hunter
Platinum / The House

This thread is jogging my memory of a lot of people that I used to play with. I am especially happy to see Flem!

For those of you that remember me, don’t worry, I am a lot more mature now and guilds won’t have to invent a new guild rank to demote me to.

I will likely be very casual as I am getting ready to adopt 3 more foster kids and will likely pull lots of wife and kid agro.


ahahahaha nerds

I actually created Pysch Ward with a buddy of mine but don’t even remember my own character names from back then much less anyone else. Too many transfers, faction changes and alts since then. Iril sounds familiar and I do remember Yuri who was a god level priest in pvp. Thats about it. Still have the banners and website graphics I created around here somewhere.

Spent most of my raiding time in Forsaken’s Finest which is getting as many people as we can back together on the Herod server.


Great to see you around stoned! Good luck no lifing it again :slight_smile: Be sure to get outside sometime :sunny:

Heya Jemba

Kassidy the Pallidy here!! how’s it going?


When I was in Marchello was running all the premades. They usually consisted of himself, Soju, Iril, Yuri, Lakia and myself plus a few others. We rolled almost every alliance premade there was in all the brackets. Those were some great times.

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You could heal like a madman.

Heebnash Warlock

Invalid Target

Took some time off from playing because /life

May try to play some classic for fun!


I don’t think so. He said he not going to play classic. I don’t think he plays at all anymore.

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Sad day :frowning: Hope all is well for him

ahh boo.wish him the best!

No way! You basically taught me how to play warlock in TBC. Not sure you’d remember. Character name was Tristrium. I played with Oppo, and Grumbley, Nombius, etc.

Hey! Tbag said you spoke to him. Get our discord info from him if you’d like to feel old with us. Or just add me on bnet and I can give it to ya. :slight_smile: gingervitis#1870

Holy crap, been a loooong time since I’ve seen that name. Hope all is well!

“San.” - Drazien lolol

Dude, any news on Oppo or Nombius, or Wut coming back? I need my arena mates back.

I remember your name, I don’t think we ever played together though.

where my aussies zartoof and krunts at!


Dude whats up Chodo??