Thunderhorn Horde Reconnections

Was barely leveling the lock, Rizended towards the end of vanilla, before BC came out. Played alliance at the start. Towards the end of BC joined up with Dave and his crew of misfits lol. Been grinding lvls and raids since then up to MoP when i just played off and on up to draenor.

Dukie - Troll Hunter, Triqsie - Priest

Holy crap! You guys are exactly the reason I was trolling this thread. Rodack, Trey, Sekul, Morg, Bufo, Shish. Y’all were my peeps. I rolled a UD priest on Incendius for classic. Just came back to WoW a couple weeks ago after a year break. Still putzing around on Thunderhorn with my UD mage - Icequeene. Hit me up! Would love to catch up and play with you guys :smiley:

Nerds! It’s Thorfin! A couple of old plat ppl are on Kirtonos, but not sure I’ll have the time to do much.

Heebnash! It’s Thorfin! Confederate and I are on Kirtonos. Guaranteed I’m not going to play as much this time around, but if you want to reconnect, Fed is the most active.

Moga !!! how ya been bro its TeX

wars !!! its TeX was a Holy priest in BC with The House tell Brother I said Hi if you talk to him I remember we did 2v2 after you had your Warglaives when I was shadow

Key Kant. Kwana here.

Evilnecroid from CapDamn

im currently on Mankrik

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Geillis from Capitis Damnare

Playing on Mankrik


Hey Thorfin! Glad to see you are running around with a green gun on a classic server. What is the guild you guys are on?

Kwana! That brings a smile to my face. Hit me up on discord sometime Khannot#8432. If you are playing classic - I’m on Bigglesworth rocking a warrior!

Sad i found this thread so late, looks long dead…

I was a snot nosed kid back in vanilla.

Quad - Orc - Hunter - Quixotic

I remember in our guild we had one of our servers High Warlords named Gromit he was a mage and i was so proud to know i raided with him and i wanted to be a HWL like him one day. ;3 For the life of me i can’t remember his GFs name but I know one of his pvp buddies that was in Quix also is named Kwata and his GF Maelwyn i know they made it into the high rankings. (they still play) Other people i know that still play every expansion is the old GM of Quix, Nihilist the warlock and his GF Gypsypunk our main healer and our main tank Roddymcstew & off tank Exrin. Other people i could never forget were Gendou the shadow priest, Branson the balance druid, Zyfer (still plays) & Gaither (still plays).

We were a smaller guild that only got big enough to start raiding near the end of vanilla but the coolest things i can remember was Lobster Brood helped us with Rag. I remember a undead rouge from LB named Twiggly, he was always gave us a good laugh.

I wish i could remember more but i was a kid back then and got a few concussions around that time so all the details are blurry but these names have stuck with me to this day because they were all my idols back in those days being a snot nosed kid talking trash in trade chat because i had nothing better to do.

I’m now playing Alliance on Thunderfury and it’s been a blast going through the old dungeons getting deja vu each time.

Sorry if i forgot some people but just know you all meant the world to me as a kid, no matter how rough my home life was back then i knew i could log into WoW and take out all my teenage angst and you guys would stand by me. You all helped me develop the self-confidence that lead me into becoming a streamer with over 11k followers on twitch. I’m Quadar on twitch but idk if I’m going back to streaming any time soon. Streaming is way harder than people think, the need to be entertaining drains you. And I also got my own world record in Metal Gear Solid V… i could never of done any of that w/o the inspiration you “grown ups” gave me back in the day.

I hope you all the best!

Hey i play on there too!! Quadar NE Hunter I’m Quad#1469 ( one quad 69s as i like to say it ;P)

got to 40 before I took a break, but planning on getting back in to finish off,. currently on Westfall. saved my name on pagel as Alcry though

I started playing about a week or so after BC launched.
Lammath BE Pally- phiLANder guild and then Horde United.

Are ya guys still playing?

This Kazzuki (resto shaman), was in The House, then AoA and then off to other guilds following Kraz around.

hey all, if anyone wants to add me to bnet or discord, I used to play as Afterwind, the rogue that was in Platinum, Wicked, and Dark Exodus. Playing a warlock now!

Bnet: dissar#1314
discord: dissar#3705

Feel free to drop by and say hey!

I remember you two!

Fahralon, this character I’m posting as (rolled during Wrath), and Rinion (also initially rolled during Wrath).

All 3 belves, 1 pally, 1 priest, and 1 warlock, respectively

Originally from Echoes of Eternity, but spent most of my entire WoW life in Ripple Effect (until Legion, actually)

I’ve kept in touch with Tormentus, Paloatriedes, and a couple of others since then but would like to reconnect with some more old friends.

Shout out to Qronik who sponsored my first flying mount, and all the other friends whose characters I can’t remember.

Go figure right after I post I find yours. Been a long time.