Thread of fate is soon to be deactivated

Probably because it’s Maizou, the proof that you don’t need to know anything about how the game works to make it onto the CC

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I already know what will happen. I’ll level the rest of my characters in Chromie time. You couldn’t pay me to level another character in the Shadowlands. Threads of Fate sucked anyway.


Do we still have to do the Covenants and Legendaries now at lvl cap, or can we skip that all entirely after cap and jump into LFR/Normal raids and mythic + until expansion release?

Meh, I’ll just level my alts in legion for the class mounts I don’t have yet till DF starts.

Don’t worry about what other people are doing on the internet, it’s bad for your health.

Ummmm, ok rofl :rofl:

Nope, they magically get deleted. What do you think is going to happen? This sounds panicky for no reason at all…

How about Nomi time?

We just have eating and drinking contests to level 60?

:ocean: :cityscape::ocean: :cityscape:

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Well covenants are a SL feature, so it would be silly not to capitalize on it now. As far as campaign, I haven’t bothered with that since the first patch. You just do the intro to unlock the cov features.

For alts. I do the maw just for the easy level. Pick my cov. Dungeon spam to 60. Do the intro of cov campaign. Set up my soulbinds, then instantly jump into zm for the 226 anima gear, campaign for the rep and renown.

Thanks for letting me know you completely missed the point of my comment, in the future maybe take your own advice and not worry about what I am doing. Have a great day!

Shadow lands is no longer relevant nothing will happen magically. Stop looking for something to complain about when nothing has happened. Removing a redundant feature is perfectly fine.

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Threads of fate is completely irrelevant in DF. Who cares if they remove it. It was terrible anyway.

Without tof i wouldnt even want to dabble in sl chromie

Its the concentrated bad, all pulp

This will be my fourth character, all I am shooting for is to raid LFR and Normal Nathria before expansion ends. The quickest possible way to get past all the covenant and legendary bs if I absolutely have to in order to do that.

Tbh if that is what you want. I’d hit zm for the anima gear, then just spam heroics. Maybe 2 hours, you should be full 249+. Buy a blue 265 crafted from the ah. Maybe a lego if you dont mind the gold dump.

noooo!!! not threads of fate!!! omg :sob: :sob:

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When is it going to chromie time? I do not want to do another SL run.

Well, it’s not completely irrelevant, because if you ever want to use a new character for mount/rare farming or to get covenant transmog stuff, without TOF you’ll have to do the whole campaign again.

The point is moot, mine however is not. Best of luck in your future endeavors! Ha!