Thread for players who have queued ZERO 2v2 or regular 3v3 games

I cant bring myself to do 2s n 3s… By participating, they count those numbers as support for those brackets. I dont wanna support 10 year old legacy content. WE want NEW content.

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If that’s so then I’ll queue a few games on all 14 of my 70s. Thanks for the tip

:sunglasses: :clinking_glasses:


Blizzard really got away from FUN. By catering to the .01%, they have literally sucked the fun out of wow. And everyone knows that the WoW elite streamers do not give one dang about the game, they only care about their subs / donations.

2 things I miss, when DKs were new, they could rez a player as a ghoul, that was soo cool. And in MoP warlocks could use a glyph Dark Apotheosis and become shadow cleaving mele locks, it was a hoot!!!

I truly believe that another game will not kill wow, its Blizzard that killed wow.

Dey just cant handle the truth at all!

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they cant but it doesnt matter. its prevalent that premade 3v3s is dead. no one wants to take part in it except the sweats

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Unlike SL, this is the first expansion that I have avoided LFG 2s n 3s. I am alot more chill in wow, less stress, more fun playing the game.

It might be possible that LFG arena is bad for your health?

This is such a selfish view and I’m struggling to understand why you want this. If you don’t do 2s or 3s, it has ZERO bearing on your game play. Why would you want to ruin other people’s fun? I happen to LOVE 2s, 3s is good too. If you’re only into RSS, do that, happy for you. I personally do not care for RSS but I’m glad it’s there for people who do.


Agree, and I think its cause the elite crowd wants to take rewards away from shuffle, or end shuffle to force the player base back into 3s.

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