Thrall - 4/8M Inverse Logic recruiting for Nerub-ar palace

Looking for a mage or boomkin

bumping for a boomchicken or mage

222 Havoc DH, 3/10 M. Joined a mythic guild but 2 weeks later they were either having trouble filling roster or something. Raid lead stepped down and officers and leader put guild in “Hibernation”. Dedicated to raiding and confident with a real team could really push mythic hard. On Thrall

Looking for a healer!

Bumping bumpin

Bumping for a monk

Bump for dps

Bump for updated needs

Bumping for sunking prog

Looking for a few more, specifically a mage!

Still have a couple of spots for some great ranged dps. Be sure to shoot me a message if you’re interested. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Still looking for a mage :slight_smile:

We still have room for a mage. My contact info is above if interested. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Looking for ranged dps!

Healer spot open as well. Be sure to message if interested!

Still looking for a mage and WW monk.

Bump for a monk

Looking for ranged for prog

We have room for some ranged dps still on our roster. Be sure to message if interested :slight_smile:

Let’s bump this thread! We still have a couple of slots open! Send me a message!