[Thrall] <Forgone Conclusion> 9/9H Semi-Casual AotC (Fri/Sat 9:30pm-12am EST) LF DPS

Still searching for more!

Still looking for a few more people.

Bump to the top!

Hi Aver,

I’m the recruitment officer for Assault here on Thrall that also raids Fri/Sat evenings. I unfortunately don’t have room in my raid for another healer, but it looks like you guys are looking for a priest for your roster, so I am sending a person by the name of Mooney your way. Hopefully things work out, if not that’s okay :slight_smile:


Looking for another healer!!

Looking for a ww monk!

LF a healer!

Still on the search for a healer!

Sent a Discord invite, would love to chat, appreciate it!

Still hunting for a healer!

Still looking for the right person. It might be you! Message us!

Still looking for a healer!

Still looking!

Still looking for a healer that fits our group.

Looking to add a dps warrior and lock to our progression group. 385+. Send us a message!

bump us back up.

Bump to the top!

Still on the search for a lock!

Bump back to the top!

Still on the search!