There’s a few of us rejoining in my little group:
Me - Munbo, Dwarf Hunter
My brother - Forest, Night Elf Rogue
My cousin - Kaminj, Night Elf Rogue
We all used to play in a guild called “Light’s Crusaders” (or maybe it was “Light’s Crusader” or “Light Crusaders” - a little unsure). It was run by a gnome mage named Flippy.
So we’re looking for a few people if anyone can point us in the right direction!
Mikhael, Human Paladin
Flippy, Gnome Mage
Maznaz - Night Elf Rogue
Porscha - Night Elf Rogue
These next two are Horde, we didn’t really know them per se, it was more that they camped us all the time xD I’ll check the Horde forums, just thought I’d try here as well.
Imkissed - Tauren
Kissedyou - Tauren
We don’t remember their classes, mostly just their names lol. One was a druid I think and the other one was maybe a shaman? Or a warrior? I dunno.
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Soulink - Human Warlock
Prodigy - Human Priest
Guild: Das Ubel
People I remember:
-Beromin, Human, Rogue.
-In a couple guilds back in the day, BST, Divination of Ashgar, Cohesive Alliance.
- Peeps from my old guild/ community that would duel outside of SW
Dethman, Human Paladin.
Looking for anyone from Silver Blades of Arathor or Rangers of Elune such as Hiredaal, Calhoun, Karmyn, Hemotep, Mitsukai, Lorim, or really anyone. I miss you all!
I remember you Hecifer! I was completely spacing our guild names until I saw your post.
I joined your guild (first for me) and ran my first dungeons with you. Remember it like it was yesterday. You probably don’t remember, but I played my warrior back then (Zlastow). I had no idea what I was doing and ran as fury, whirl winding everthing. You had a hell of a time keeping me up. It wasn’t until later when I made Cosmico my main, that I realized just how tough that must have been! Was Aizlynn a rogue? I think that is who got me to join up with the guild.
My characters were rome, romeempire, and romangoddess. You can also reach ladowscar and marbel through me, though I am not them.
Hello guildie! I don’t remember that, but I do remember my priest having garbage gear (except for my Benediction) so that sounds about right lol. Aizlynn was a gnome mage, but you just reminded me of Kazimer. He was a rogue in the guild that I did a lot of runs with.
Hi I’m looking for some players that I used to play in burning crusade / wotlk with…
My player name - Phantasi (priest), Volgrath (paladin) , Kaedeyn (Paladin horde)
Guilds - La cosa Nostra , Veritas en Equitas, Brade Frurry
Players I remember - Ailani, Rosenfel, Beeatrix, Bomboclatt, Mahdi, Acespade
If you know any of these people or remember me please get at me. Would love to reconnect as these days were awesome and would like to relive them!
hi looking for silver blades of arathor my i still have my Warlock Karmyn played with many different ppl Calhoun , shade man , blade man are just a few i met my locks journey to 40. any ways hope to see someone online from back then
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Letalynn, It’s me, Dethman, if you remember me! I’m still around, Shademan too. We will have to catch up in game sometime! Hopefully more of the gang sees this and we can have a reunion
Looking for night elf warrior named Abominogg, he was super nice! Was i think the guild leader of Exalted
Aye, that was the name - I was part of a small group from Relentless Heroes that joined when our guild leader left and things fell apart. Was Berethos at the time, and my brother played then as well, went by the name of Dorak at the time.
I remember the family as well, think it was Nitebeacon (hunter main?) and Nymphadora (druid main?), and the son I think was a priest at the time, named started with an A but that’s all I remember.
I’ve managed to hold on to a few screenshots from back then - even have ones of chat with both you and Saelmaethor speaking.
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Alexh, Night Elf, Warrior
The guilds I can remember are The keepers and Solstice
People i can recall Drayvan and Cindyll
Xsjadon - Night elf Hunter
Jext - Night elf Rogue
Vaos - Human Holy Paladin
I was in a guild called The Rebirth. I joined them as they were just starting MC.
I leveled up my pally as Holy spec 10 ~ 60, really quickly, sometimes with a guildie Feral Druid named Lick. He disappeared around level 50 and never came back.
At 55, the guild got me attuned and I was in MC healing with them. Wrock was a NE warrior main tank, and I remember when he got Thunderfury.
I barely experienced BWL before leaving the guild and ending up with Reborn Legends. I ended up raiding with them through TBC and WotLK as Holy Paladin and also as Seoularize - Draenei Resto Shaman.
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The Rebirth, I almost forgot about my former guild. First guild I raided with.
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./wave dance infront of UBRS?
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Played classic on Thrall as alliance but I cant remember our guild name unfortunately.
I went by the names Ztars, Arbiter, or Borisex.
Im looking for:
If you guys are still around, MK and I would love to get in touch again!