Thrall - 4/8M Inverse Logic recruiting for Nerub-ar palace

Still looking for a few ranged


High need for a dps that can flex to off spec heal and/or tank

4/10m bump

Looking for ranged for prog

Looking for a hunter and mage

Need a boomkin/hunter/mage for prog

still looking for a few more dps

Looking for a monk. High need

Bumping for some dps to help with the mythic push

im a 222-225 ele/resto shaman and i have a 222+ ww monk buddy. we’ve been looking for a guild to join for mythic prog/continue with into future tiers.

I’d love to chat about some spots qnd maybe getting you in for some fights Thursday. Add me on bnet or discord, hope to hear from you soon!

Still looking for people wanting to raid this tier

Updated needs

Weekend bump

Taking a break til 9.1, looking for people that want to raid when thats out (if ever)

Looking for more for 9.1. DPS spots and 1 tank spot open

Looking for some more raiders for 9.1

Bump. Need a tank still

Weekend bump