Thoughts on the Support builds/talents in Shadowlands?

A support type of play style has not actually been in the game for sometime and it looks like they’re going to make add some support for a support build through different means. What are your thoughts on support choices?

To give some idea of what I mean by support options I am referring to choices like
Focus Magic for Mages which is a new option

Blessing of the Seasons for Paladins which offers a multitude of buffs for allies

Kindred Spirits for Druids which allows you to empower allies you bond with.

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Kindred Spirits is “Symbiosis Lite”. Might be useful for tank/healer pairs. Not sure any DPS will be sacrificial enough to give 30% damage to someone else so they get cut from the raid for underperforming.

One question is: will there be any reason to bring more than 1 to a raid?

There is way too much math to try to answer that question. The type of support varies from class to class and involves Cooldown Reduction, damage taken iincreases/ and just too many variables to begin to answer that question.

Why not just create a proper support class instead of doing half arsed things like those talents?

Because the support theme lives in all those classes?