I don’t exactly know what needs to be fixed. For the first time, I actually like most of what I see.
Covenants? Yeah, that’s gonna suck for some. Not for me. I’m in a guild. I’m going to have plenty of people to run Mythic Dungeons with. No one’s gonna care what covenant you’re in. I probably will look up the one that’s the worst for my class and make sure I don’t pick it. Any other will be fine I’m sure.
Bugs? Yeah there’s bugs. A lot will be ironed out in 2 months. Some won’t. Welcome to every WoW expansion ever made.
Class design? Much more subjective - frankly, Priest got taken care of. All of its specs are in a good spot gameplay wise. I’m excited.
No, I’m saying many people on beta giving feedback are the 1%.
And I never said anything about 10 people multiboxing 2000 accounts?
Yeah, I also heard that blizzard was aware of this issue though, no?
It sounds like a anti fun zone. Plan on spending a little time there as I can. If what need collected there I can collect somewhere else I will not even go. I can live with most of the anti fun they added to that zone. But making me lose half of what I earned for 1 death is just wasting my time. Blizzard needs to start respecting or time.
I haven’t heard much from blizz about the maw honestly.
And I’m saying their feedback is not worse because they’re the 1% and that their issues can be more than min/max wise. And thinking only the 1% does min/max also is funny. Everybody does it in some quantity.
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Lol. If you respect Blizzard for sticking to the guns about this OBVIOUSLY bad decision, you are a doofus. Know why? Because they absolutely will let us swap freely later in the expansion.
whatever i don’t care, i just want bfa to end even if sl in unfinished
But you don’t create the game around 1% of the player base.
We’ll see what they do with covenants in the coming months, but I have zero care whether they change it or not. I have my covenants picked based on how fun I find the abilities, and I’m not changing.
Still trying to figure out the mboxing comment though.
What purpose does it serve right now?
I’ll be honest, I haven’t watched any Maw gameplay since after they changed the whole key farming situation.
It’s a place you go to get souls basically, there’s very little story and there’s some dailies to get rep with a dude.
I guess what we collect there is used to upgrade our covenant, at least that is what I heard. I hope we need nothing there, I will get what rep is there and never go back.
Okay. Well, feel free to come back to the game when that happens!
Until then, suck it up butter cup.
Yea, you get all the souls you need to upgrade your sanctum there.
It’s not about creating the game for the 1% of playerbase xd
That’s just delusional like I said to think that only the 1% care about min/maxing or that covenants will only affect min/maxing.
Seriously, that’s just propaganda to do so.
The game can be great no matter, like I said it’s just a bet and we know it’s issues. Something having issues doesn’t mean that concept could never work, just that its current iteration requires a lot of work and rework. Covenants don’t work in the beta currently, at all.
Still trying to figure out how 10 people do 2.5k likes. xd
Get off your knees. I’ll tolerate the trash system because I’ll have friends playing with me, unlike BFA.
Lol no. The people I talk to about this aren’t CE. A lot of people who are CE do get invited primarily because of Raid Testing.
So now you instantly assume that I think this way because of Preach or something. Funny. Weren’t you just talking about ignorance a bit ago?
- Dungeon and raid loot is unfinished
- Torghast rewards are not in.
- Torghast isn’t properly scaling
- Twisting Corridors aren’t actually infinite
- Legendary sources incomplete and the upgrade system doesn’t seem to be implemented
- Conduits aren’t even implemented in loot tables. Some specs are completely missing them.
- Tuning has only just started
- Tons of quests don’t even work
- World quest rewards are unfinished
- Some classes are missing talents
- Professions are broken. You can’t even harvest core resources in some cases.
Among other things.
Again you don’t listen to the part where I say I think this expansion can make it out before the deadline, but people have a right to worry about it.
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From THDLock, world first Complexity Limit Raider:
Also, Shadow got fixed. Holy has consistently been one of the worst M+ specs since Legion and it’s kit is outdated, but that’s just me.
That’s what they all say. LOL
“I hate it, but imma play it to hell and back with my friends!”
You said there was over 3k posts, 2.5k of the posts in that thread are 10 people, that’s what I was saying. One person alone has over 400