Thoughts on melee dps in TBC

The bulk of the player base is not in the Top 10 teams so they straight up don’t even need to worry about any of this,

Lol yeah try telling them that. They won’t listen. People on the forums and Reddit speak as if every player is in Progress.


It’s amazing how many people you meet who say they used to be in D&T or a world first guild back in the day. It’s almost unbelievable lol.

It’s usually the same guy who stands in void zones or who confuses left and right on Thaddius. Very strange.

lol not gonna lie I was nervous my first time on thaddeus but so far i haven’t messed it up. I was a scrub back in vanilla lol. I’m not now though. Researching every ounce of vanilla, TBC and WotLK are what I find fun. I like to know it all and get better at the game every day. It’s also part of why I have started toons on so many servers on different factions. I wanted to talk to the player base… find out what the people are really saying and what they want to happen. Most people are casual players who enjoy the game and their characters, their friends, and their server communities.

Why would you need Warriors to kill that boss? /boggle

People will have some warriors at that point as well as rogues… you just don’t use as many before then. You do bring a few along up to T6 though so they don’t get there and have prebis still. You act as if the try hards haven’t done this before and don’t know exactly what to do.

if you aint pushing world first you last and thus “casual” just because you min max don’t mean your not casual.

lol… you’re delusional… not surprising from a retail player. I do push for world firsts. I have a top 10 speed kill.

i was saying in general. your just taking it out of context so LMFAO… your the delusional one. not surprised from a “classic” player. must be easy to push timed content on a what 10 year old game?


you are = you’re not your

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you replied to me. You need to specify that you mean in general rather than calling someone casual you do not know. And yeah… pushing 15 year old content is fun. It takes a lot of time and effort. Rather that than a trash can game like retail.

I would say rogues and warriors do provide one thing that no one has really brought up yet and that’s short cd interrupts. Relying on casters for it is risky because they always have that 1% chance to resist.

Edit: Not saying they should be stacked because of that, but it does help to bring a couple for that reason.

And random folks on the forums act as if the objective superiority of some classes in terms of DPS is invalidated because they’re not in Progress.

Do you think Hunters are only top DPS in TBC if you’re in a guild like Progress?

No, you don’t.

That’s not specific to Fury, so your tank can provide that. It’s not often you’ll need many more interrupts than that.

if you simply read you could already tell it was in general. just because i replied to you didn’t mean i was suggesting i am calling you casual. hell i don’t play classic i am here looking at forums debating on playing it so…

push w.e. content you like/play whatever version you like. i like both for their own reasons but yea i primarily play retail for the story unless they change classic to work like OSRS does with the voting system and adding new content.

as i stated. if you aint first you last.

Yes. I do. You know literally nothing about me in game so you can’t actually tell me what I do and do not do.

I’m sorry but no you can’t. I can’t read your mind through the internet. You replied directly to me so naturally one would assume you are talking directly to them.

You know I can just look up your character’s raid history, yeah? lol

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Sad isn’t it.

I wish these zugzugs could just accept that they like nearly all of us are at best average to above average but not “the bestest evaar”

That would solve many problems.

Yeah. You realize ive been on different servers and warcraft logs differentiates that? I was on Thalnos in phase 1. I was the GM of Full Clear. In Fact I was on Benediction after that because the alliance transferred off of Thalnos. It always amazes me how people like you can act like you know everything about someone and be so sure of yourselves yet at the same time not think… this guy could have transferred servers at some point.

Cool, but Full Clear wasn’t a top 10 speed kill on any boss except… wait, did you mean Onyxia…? LOL

Grats on that, I guess.

In any case, you said you push for world firsts. Present tense. You’re not even 15/15. You don’t push for anything resembling world first, even if you could argue you pushed for world first Onyxia speed… when the vast majority of guilds didn’t compete in Onyxia speed at all.

It’s not the warglaives though. It’s the armor penetration that comes with t6 and za. Executioner enchant as well