Thoughts On Classic vs Retail from a Wrath Baby

Please don’t mislead people with completely false information, thanks.

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They are both as social as you make them. It’s up to each individual players. Classic is not more social in my experience.


Didn’t take to long after playing it, to realize just how much I despised the game back then(05). Made it to like level 20, 25 with a orc warrior before I ditched this game, and went back to playing rts, and fps games. Still have some anger issues with a few of my irl friends :laughing: for talking me back into coming back to wow after TBC had been out for like a year.

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They tried. At the end of the day it’s the people that make the community… People who stuck with Retail, for the most part, don’t want any part in socializing so you are for the most part left having to find a Guild for that aspect.

Just because you exclude specifically yourself doesn’t make that game have objectively less social interactions between other people.

There a pros and cons to classic. The denial of its social aspect is disingenuous.

I hate this idea that the old game makes people more social. That was not my experience neither during TBC when I started nor when playing classic. All I see in the old game is tedium that’s been removed. Back then I was if anything less social than I am now, which is barely minimal as is. I just didn’t see nearly as much content, which might have been fine coming from a completely solo-unfriendly experience like everquest but nowadays people expect more.

So to me the modern game is working as intended and classic is the weird outlier that doesn’t appear to make sense in a modern context (it no longer has EQ to push off from).


Its almost like both games have strengths and weaknesses and appeal to different players differently…

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Good for you. I’m glad you’ve found that classic is your thing. Keep your grubby mitts off my retail /shakes fist

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This is extremely passive aggressive.

I went back and tried it about a month after it went live. General was DEAD. Nobody was talking. And I was there at prime time hours.

The only reason things are so alive right now is that Retail is in the lame duck season. Nothing new coming until pre-patch. Nothing save bug fixes.

Yeah, of course people are bored and looking for something else. Ergo, load up Classic!

That’s actually more true than anyone wants to admit. If you’re a grump, you’re simply not going to interact. That’s a fact. It doesn’t matter what kind of social systems are in place, if you’re not trying to talk, to you, it’ll never be social.

The only reason that Vanilla, in its day, was more social was the time period. WoW was still new and people hadn’t been spoiled by the internet like they have now. They had to be more social.

Classic doesn’t have that benefit. We’ve all been spoiled by the internet. And many WoW players are also a LOT older, and don’t have the free time they used to have. Which will also impact on the desire to socially interact.


I’m in a very social retail guild. My classic experience was tedious and actually less social.