Thoughts on best covenant leggo WW for 9.2

I’ve been kyrian since I swap between WW and BrM. Just curious as to everyones thoughts on what covenants I should start leveling in anticipation for the leggo artifact being available for 9.2. Any thoughts appreciated!

Necrolord has been pretty good this patch, I’d level that just for the option. Unless you are like me and hate the aesthetic so much you refuse to touch the sweaty balls covenant

Kyrian will be the top dog for a brewmaster. Our 4pc bonus is going to be NUTS for keg smash. So with the keg smash legendary, 4pc, and the kryian abilities to give you an extra charge of keg smash and buff its damage will be overpowered compared to the other covenants.

Also, download the addon Bron Cena.

For WW there is still a bit of theory crafting + testing that will have to take place. Many WW monks have expressed their dislike about the 4pc, so hopefully, it will be changed.


Stop giving people misinformation, we all know Venthyr is gonna blast with double leges kekw.

But kyrian is a good all around cov.

My guess is night fae. Since so much damage is loaded into Xuen + Invoker’s already, having 10% extra damage amp will be good. Plus you’ll be able to weave in 10% extra damage during SCK burst on your haste flowers. shrug

Basically like pooling up resources and chi and then using Faeline stomp and do a bunch of burst then pool up resources again

What spec are you talking about?

Title post


Not sure.

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Read his post he talks about WW and BrM.



Not sure.

Are we gonna be able to hit crack speeds with Invoker’s + Kyrian Leggo? If Kyrian procs Invoker’s won’t we get like 60% haste on CDs. That plus lust is 90% haste and if we’re out in the world beating crap up with alpha tiger it’s 120% haste.

I’m fairly sure you only proc invokers once with kyrian leggo unfortunately :frowning:

Are we still gonna use invoker’s and kyrian leggo anyway?

If you’re kyrian, yeah. Your only option for a second leggo is the covenant legendary regardless.

You’ll likely still be NL most of the time (anything not purely ST) but it’s all gonna come down to sims at the end of the day. Kyrian with 4 piece is gonna be complicated to optimize, and we’re gonna have to let the computers hash it out.

Will we continue to clip FoF with <%50 haste as kyrian despite 2 piece? Will the goal still be to get as many RSK as possible, or will we spam out BoK much more to get RSK / FoF to line up with 4 piece?

Not easy to answer for kyrian. Personally I see the 4 piece’s synergy to be much more obvious with NL.

Regardless if you are kyrian, you’ll probably be running invokers.