So… I can be an undead druid on NE druid
You know, I’m totally gonna get on my NE druid and see if that is an option!
Undead Belf Paladin too.
Ok, that mount is pretty freaking epic!
we did get the sanlayn aka dark fallen apearence so.
Oh man, Nightmare Druids are going to be happpppy.
i have a toy for darkshore i can use to have that apearence.
Start farming!
Thanks, now I just need to wait until Blizzard replaces the hamsters used to power their servers…
I didn’t want it for Void Elves, but I will use it cause it’s the closest thing to grey skin we have now.
But damn if it doesn’t look amazing on the character select screen with the void elf background.
Like, if they let us use the other eye colors with the skin color, I’d be content. Not a fan of the red eyes.
For those curious, I assume Nightborne weren’t given the option because Nightborne have no eye color options, and the customization has a skin tone and eye color locked together. I assume Blizzard was too lazy to add eye color options for nightborne.
What the heck kind of monstrosity is your skin tone on the armory lmao.
Yeah you look like a right proper dark angel there!
No Night Elves yet
No, that’s a good thing.
Dark Rangers are hunters.
Night Elves have the option, but tbh, it looks terrible, cause their hair colors are all bright and vibrant. Lemme take some screenshots in character creation to show you what I mean lol.
If only Night Elf Blood DKs could get red eyes …
I have to find a good polearm to go with the dark ranger ensemble.
` The Hood that has red-eye glow to it is now more intense.