Those Fae Dragons

Neither of them are particularly good compared to the origional conscept and art. The WoD model has kind of dumpy tree frog thing going on. Very plump, buldgy eyes and pronouned toe pads.

The new one is a pretty lazy skin for the Highland Drake, which has it’s own suite of problems.

Then there’s the whole point of the origional model, they were small. Cause they’re fae (fairy) dragons and none of them were anywhere near large enough to ride.


Yes, i prefer the old one. The design is way better .
The main problem of the new one is the head. It’s just weird. Maybe if they put some crest it could help, but in this current state looks like a blue Shrek :joy: :joy: :joy:

imo the old ones were ugly and I hate their large eyes.

idk how I feel about the new ones tho

Personally prefer the old one, just looks like something you see in Through the Looking Glass or Alice in Wonderland… the new one is just too much dragon not enough fairie…

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I dont care if its good or bad, I am Fae, I must have all things Fae!

No. You’re 100% right and I thought the same in the beta.

Sadly however, I didn’t think anyone would care on the forums or to my frustration there’d audiences that actually want the reskin. :roll_eyes:

A good compromise I feel however, is putting the switch between the two in the customisations of the drake or being able to switch between the two themes of the fae dragon with various feature changes, that way both parties can enjoy.

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Clearly not.

Yoooo I like the original more. Way more!