Thorium Brotherhood Alliance Reconnections

Chrion NE Rogue from Forge
Nice to see so many recognizable names. Hi Nila, Jav, Smitty and Heddin :slight_smile:


Team Rogue!
i.imgur . com/AKEhs4u.jpg
It’s missing a few members, but it’s the only screenshot I have of the old team


NE Druid named Farista. Did some RP during TBC/LK with a few people.

Will do. Thanks! Hope all is going well.

I’m on the fence about coming back to Classic, but I played Valandra, Human Warrior in Forge. I was still in the military yet, and TB started out as a secondary server but I grew to like a lot of the people in the MC/ZG/BWL days of Forge but duty took me away for a few months and when I came back, most of the people I played with had moved on to other things. It would be nice to reconnect to people like Sentrus, Kismet, Cuddles, and Oblivion most of all.

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I remember you, Karsha. I still have my original character in OSH. So long ago, lol
Hope you are well.

I remember all of you! Farreby’s name is still in the GMOTD! I still talk to a few others IRL.

HOLY @#!@ Red dragons is still alive?!?!? I was a dwarf hunter named Bruning my GF at the time Sivan played with you guys!

It’s awesome seeing familiar names from the ole’ Forge days, I didn’t anticipate seeing anyone after so many years. Chrion, your mention of team rogue made me laugh, those were great times.


It’s great seeing you too Smittins! Long time.

Argesh dwarf warrior I was in Obsidian Blades for the longest time and I was on tho bro up until wotlk time frame where I moved to some more populated servers for PvP reasons at the time,

Remember a lot from the nila days all these names and guilds look so familiar!

Would love to link up with some old friends/guildies!

Still same toon and name just a on a new sever.


• Character: Bimala, Human Paladin (TRISPEC!!)
• Guild: Noble Cause, Auxilio ab Alto
• People I hope to find again: Korsen, Morrigan, Felias. Any of the old crew!

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Found another screenshot of the Forge raid roster during MC.
i.imgur .com/Rc8NoKE.jpg
I remember pretending to dc so I wouldn’t have to do MC again. Good times.

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Chrion What up man, Vargg the dwarf paladin here! and everyone else from Forge.

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Xad was a guildie with us in Slightly Disturbed for some time, was focused on his Mage more at that time (Westor?). Such a lovely guy, I still have a farewell note from him in my bank. Would love to see him again, we must all be so old now!

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Alastar (Human Warlock) from the guild Iron Blue Intention reporting in, looking for some of my old friends I lost contact with many years ago.


Chrion! Haha thank you for sharing that other picture, it was so awesome seeing all those names. I immediately remembered people’s voices and sense of humors. Pity I’m not on that raid list, I’d like to think I DC’ed and I was filling the extra slot.

Hey Vargg! It’s so good to see all the Forge on the thread (and everyone else of course!).

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