Thorium Brotherhood Alliance Reconnections

Issaru is very familiar to me. We must have done stuff together early in BC before I left the server.

I remember you Ethelgrey, you took a lot of noobs like myself under your wing and showed us how to raid. I was a night elf hunter named Buzzooka. Have always been greatful.

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Smittins, Dwarf Hunter, Forge.

Definitely recognize many of the names here. Glad to see a lot of people still around! I’ll be playing Classic much more casually probably, but would be great to reconnect


Erathorn, human rogue. Order of the Green Cross.

I remember you, Jav. Great seeing you here!


I ran a lot of things in TBC with people. I tanked and my best friend healed on Alessar a Dran Shammy for tons of heroics and raids.

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Rubeushag/Rube/Markiss - warlock from Recoil and Forge for a little bit at the end.


Hi! I played a gnome warlock named Toranch back in 2006 - I have fond memories of being a part of a guild called Uncorrupted Power on Thorium Brotherhood.
This was such a fun guild and I’d love to say hi to anyone who is still around from that guild. A bunch of folks were from Colorado Springs and I had such a fun time playing with them.
I was a teenager back then and it’d be fun to connect 13 years later!

Buzz! I absolutely remember you. What’s up, buddy? Aww, thanks for the shout-out. Those were fun days, but MAN were they crazy. I was raiding 7 nights a week for 6 months straight. Complete and total burnout.

My first character was a dwarf paladin here on Thorium Brotherhood named Zekets. I do not recall too many names from back then but I do have a screen shot of hitting 60 in a guild called Ascendence and another from what I recall was our first Ragnaros kill in that same guild. I’d be curious to see what people were up to these days.

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Alyonn, Human Paladin, Mysterium

Also had a warlock named Berten that was unguilded

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I remember you, Zekets. I was the hunter, Anraleth. ( I suppose I still am technically.)


I remember you, Order of the Shining Hearts was my first real guild, with this exact character. We were Renamed from Order of the Silver Hand due to some player differences, iirc.

I didn’t expect to actually find anyone from that guild here.

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I remember Ethelgrey too! I was Alessar - Resto Shaman. Though technically I didn’t get my own WoW account until BC (hence Alliance Shaman), I did play a lot with Dorim and Issaru on Tho Bro back in the day and will be thoroughly enjoying Classic. Ran with guilds such as The Sacred Hand, Auxilio ab Alto, Eucatastrophe and Resurrection. Characters I specifically remember are Korsen, Moonlitenvy, Cylas and Skandylle. Interested to see if we can get the band back together.


Korsen. Human warrior, right?

That’s right. I believe he’s still GM of Auxilio ab Alto.

Edit: He was a Human Paladin

Totally Dude, they were awesome!! I don’t know how you did it Dude but that was serious dedication. I’ve taken breaks here and there and coming back for classic and some retail occasionally.
what are your upcoming plans for WoW (Retail/Classic)?

He was one of the best GMs in Thorium.

Kitsyn NE Rogue
Order of the Silver Hand
Murloc High Command

Hey Trelorin, I do remember you! There are a few people from OSH coming back. My husband, Noctiss/Evelain is coming back with me, as is our friend Farreby. You might remember him, he made a couple of machinimas for the guild. I also ran into Alexia on Vanilla Friends.

I wasn’t expecting many people from OSH either but I’m sure glad to be wrong! They were my first ever raiding guild, I have a lot of good memories.