This Week in WoW: January 8, 2024

very lazy classic plus blizzard. makes JaGeX look like gods in comparison.

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False cuz i wont play p3 No point i only want p2 content only nerds like u play games for year long straight

Hey well at least you can tell jokes because we all know you’ll be back haha

Oh, boy. Another promotion, aka: Taking my money.

It’s just a very long time for the phase with the least amount of content.

Like we have 3 dungeons. Four if you count whatever rfc actually is. And a very small amount of zones etc. No huge variations in builds outside of runes.

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This is exactly it. Would you rather they be boring and easy to get, or have some good work behind them? Takes time.
Plus rebuilding Gnomer.

Level some alts and professions awhile.

hopefully everyone can get setup before then, excited for the new content

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the devs said SoD only happens once?

Man what a let down by blizzard, legit making it so everyone and their grandma can level up 9 toons and get BiS on them all because some people still aren’t level 25 somehow, which is mind blowing since even if you play for a hour a day you would of been 25 a month ago still. GG Blizz see you next month :sleeping:

Wished there were more articles.

In this season.

Average to 25 is between 36 and 72 hours played. Not everyone is a sweaty guide-follower.

(A month ago, would mean you go from 1-25 in 8 hours.)

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So whats the promotion?

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Very excited for this! Ive got my main mostly geared to my pleasing, and have an alt at 22 and 9. This should give me plenty of time to get those alts up and try out all their runes. Will also probably take a short break, been no-lifing this game way harder than expected.

I wish this phase was longer. I hope the next one will be. So many new fun items in the BFD raid but not enough time to get it all and make use of it.

+1 for good timing on this. Right about the time I’ll be ready for it.

some oddball style pvp? Hold the one or multiple flag/s the longest from different spawn location to make it random when start up, flag carrier has reduced movement and jumping to avoid exploit map wall jumps. Penalties stays on flag when its dropped to avoid people dropping and picking up flag spam. FC who dropped keeps penalty for 10-15sec so no drop and pick up flag spam. Dropped flag has timer before it gets picked up so each faction has time to pick up flag for those who like deathmatch. Objectives should be put up in locations so faction that cannot get flag due to numbers can do them and be able to respawn flag even if carrier has it for those who like objective style. Collecting and turning in to help increase points and maybe give temp world buff like a 5 sec blood rage or something of the like, maybe even spawn elites or a boss at FC for those who don’t like much pvp and rather kill mobs as they quest they can turn in pvp scrap like in AV. Just a thought on some pvp, change it up for sod and pvp zones that are not battleground instances.