This Week in WoW: January 8, 2024

Phase 2 beginning February 8. WOW !!!


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Here, I did your homework for you.

Will 1-25 leveling be accelerated when p2 releases for those who missed out on p1 or who want a few more alts?

At least it isn’t April…

ah I see. it doesnt show up in the SoD section for EU like it does here. that’s why I missed it. Thank you

I agree with the comments about fixing this phase’s issues if we are subject to another month.

-Nerf hunter pets by 50% if they suck then buff them 10% and keep making those incremental changes until they are no longer stronger than the average player

-Add solo/ partial WSG ques and if its an issue later down the road remove it. But for now if we want to farm WSG for the next month then put in some effort.

-Just take all level 26 trainable spells and make them level 25 spells so the casters have a better balance for the rest of this phase

If the phase was ending in Jan sometime I wouldn’t care if they didnt fix any of these things but if this is what they want us to do then fix some of the issues for the current phase. If you have to revert those changes in a future phase then so be it. Don’t trap us in this phase for this long.


pretty spot on to what I was guessing for the release for p2. I think this is totally fine. It’ll allow all the people still starting the game to level up and gear up. Wish there were more side things to do in the meantime, but what can ya expect.

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I think this is a great length for p1.

SoD only happens once, enjoy the wacky 25 level cap meta while it lasts, we probablywont see it again.


Can’t wait to see the inflation by that time, and the amount of people still here thinking levelling alts is some form of content. We’ll see in a month i guess. Bad choice imo

oh look the crybaby is here as well. Bro no one cares cya next month


Im personally happy because it allows me to get to 25 in time. Been playing since launch day, but i have a busy irl schedule.

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Barf Look at you! first person here jobless Panda monk lol says alot about who you are in RL LOL!

i expect you to be 4 bars into 24 by feb 8th

Lets get a nice ban on all gold buyers and bots on Feb 6th!
Thanks Blizz

Its possible. I just want to get as close to 25 as possible before then.

oo now i can level 10 alts and get exalted on each in perfect time

and what day will the dungeon tuning be announced?

IDK how you all do it.

My shammy has been sitting at crossroads at lvl 15 for about a month now.
Just too tedious for me right now, ill play for 20-30 min before i cant take it anymore. Retail spoiled me.
“What do you mean theres no flight point here! I have to run all the way back now? Ugh!”


“Getting pretty tired of all my six slot bags filling up so fast…”

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We’re so close now to AI Followers and liberating Gilneas, soooo close now!

Wouldn’t expect anything less from you. You’re just that type of person. Can’t wait to see you back here complaining about phase 3 not releasing quicker

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