This is why

The patch and mount are unrelated things.

Patch and mount are not developed by the same people
Patch and mount are not tied to the same release schedule

They could have delayed 11.0.5 and still released the mount now. Or they could have delayed the mount a few weeks and still called it the “30th anniversary celebration” since it goes on until January.

Your tinfoil hat logic doesn’t hold up.


That doesn’t make any sense at all. They could have put the Bronto in the store at any time. For example, it could have been there on day one at launch.


it only costed 1.7m gold in tokens, i didn’t wasted a single dime in real money

blame people who buy tokens from Blizzard and put it on the AH to sell then

You get paid $90/hour? Yuh find that kinda hard to believe.


You’re welcome.

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This is the WoW forums.

We’re all brain surgeons that work 90 hours per week and get CE in the three hours of gameplay we allow ourselves to waste time on weekly.



The opposite is true. They quick rushed out the mount when it became clear there would be even more content delays.

What content delays are you even on about


If I’ve learned anything it’s that when people complain about the price of gas or the cost of bread that this is a direct attack on how I spend my money and I won’t stand for it!


they know, but they are miserably attached to the game, and will buy anything or hype anything

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Point the nearest direction for that 90$ a hour job please Im rdy to apply.

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Without those people you wouldn’t have been able to buy the mount with gold.

Without those people a lot of people wouldn’t be able to play the game, I call it a necessary evil

Please explain this “logic” to me.


Not likely. More likely, it was planned along with the rest of the celebration and just came out with the rest of the stuff.

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Get your RN, then become a PMHNP and prescribe the rest of the wow playerbase Hims products.

lol patch was going to have bugs regardless also lots of people spent 1.3m gold vs 90$


sure thing bud…

Why would you be telling them if it’s “none of their business?”

hour to an hour and a half. But anybody who has any marketable skill and is not a complete waste of space living off welfare should be able to afford it.