This is why Sudden Demise is useless for PvP

This is why Sudden Demise is useless for PvP and should not be a talent in the last row for the spec.

In PvE Sudden Demise uses your bleed damage to kill targets below 35% health, in PvP it’s only 10%.

For reference I am using my own rogue as a default with his health being 750k in 10.2 in PvP.

10% of 750k = 75k damage. Remember, this damage will only trigger ONCE per player you fight, and only if you actually get them low enough to kill the player.

What is 75k damage to the spec overall? Well, let me give you some more numbers.

A single garrote at my health/gear is over 100k damage.

A single rupture is over 100k damage.

A single Envenom crit is over 80k damage (without any other buffs than it being a crit)

How much worse can it get? Lets take a look at Sepsis, a talent that is two talent rows above Sudden Demise that is generally not used in PvP because it’s considered not that good.

Sepsis does about 100k damage to a player in form of a Damage over time. Sepsis also gives you access to a stealth ability when used (for example garrote silence or cheap shot can be used, or ambush)

If the player survives Sepsis, they receive 55k damage just for not getting killed, than you get another stealth abilities use AND the cooldown of the ability is reduced by 30 seconds.

Sepsis literally does almost as much damage as Sudden Demise just by the player not getting killed by it.

This all being said, I believe without a doubt that Sudden Demise needs to be changed/fixed for PvP, it should not be this terrible.

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“Aliens” are not from another planet they move through time. They’re biologically engineered beings but without a soul. They are jealous of us because we’re in immortal soul in a mortal body and they aim to influence our society in some big experiment. Disclosure won’t come because when the military made contact they were informed that the public being aware would force them to wipe the population clean the way they did to Atlantis and prior and prior.


Who was prior and prior to Atlantis?

Please go take your meds and stay on topic for the post


So are you saying its good or bad? confused here

Bad, I saw zero procs of it in my 3s games yesterday. It was working out in the world but not in arena. Played with a demo lock who swapped destro and there were plenty of times it should have gone off but it didn’t.

Its ultra nerfed in PvP, it does needs some buffs tho…

In PvE it’s where it shines, PvE…

It’s not even close to Touch of Death where some ppl where calling it before patch…

And then you have MM untouched (HA! it got some buffs as well!)

SP cloth but one of the tankiest specs in the game rn and their damage is S+
RETs running wild
WW untouched
AUG untouched
Mage mobility untouched
ENH/ELE one shot bot machine
Druids spamming ciclones at will…

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Yeah, it needs a fix! Make it buff your bleeds by 5, no, 10%! That sounds reasonable, what do you think?

I’m just going to assume you know it already does this and say nothing further

I’d say: let it “triggers” at 20~30% hp… Like warrior’s execute (30% when talented)

And buff the TEA (100 energy points per use) it used to be good when our energy was 200, but now it’s 300, buff it for at least 150 energy…

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not sure why you’re comparing execute to a talent that guarantee kills you when its trigger is satisfied


And they say bliz takes too long to implement our feedback!

Make it also give you some gold for each use in pvp, like a bounty system! Or a twix system, if you’re not a fun of coconuts.

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I just did sorry ab that

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Can’t tell ya here

Rude. :dracthyr_a1:

Can we at least try to guess? I bet it starts with an “R”!

Is there a local abandoned building we can meet at?

Yea I don’t really think that auto passive executes are healthy design in PVP.


Doesn’t really seem inherently problematic, it’s more a matter of availability/thresholds or whatever.

I’m convinced half the people in this thread are the same person because I can’t believe people would be asking for rogue buffs right now

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