This is really getting ridiculous

It is not a conspiracy, it’s a law. Publically traded corporations are legally obligated to place the interests of the shareholders before that of competing interests (that means you). I would bet that most of what you believe to be behind the barrier of logistics and law is wrong.

Now if you please, sit back down at the kid’s table.

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I’m fully aware of this. But that doesn’t mean that everything about WoW is a thinly veiled trap to get you to spend more money. I pay $15/month and I play the game. When I don’t log in at the right times, there’s a queue. Waiting in that queue doesn’t cost me money, and it doesn’t lead to me spending any more than the $15/month I already pay for my subscription.

I wish Old Blanchy was still a “dead server” since I don’t PUG anyway (stick to guild play). Loads & loads of rude, toxic mega-server transfer trash here now clogging up the zones & ruining the smaller community vibe of the server.

Keeping their customers paying them is in the interest of the shareholders lol

You were warned wellllllll in advance there would be queues and server issues with the larger servers. Leave the mega servers or suffer the consequences. Everyone was afforded ample opportunity to migrate elswhere wayyyy before the xpac launched. No sympathy.

Again, as a guild that was forced to leave a fully purchased guild bank to set one up again and now facing leaving behind that much gold worth of tabs again… No… We’ve already wasted enough to buy all the guild’s consumes for most of wrath and sure as heck won’t do it again. I think they should force move anyone without a guild tag on any of their toons and continue smacking the bots. Maybe make a server with a type of GDKP where you can buy tokens. That would get rid of half the population of the mega servers in a hurry.

This comment has no place here,
He will be missed because what’s an MMO without a good player base.
Very toxic comment.
I strongly suggest you get off the forums, I don’t see you bringing anything good around here.

I’m sorry,
When was he warned?
Was it when his server got under 300people and content became undoable due to lack of player?
Or is it when he logged in and actually transferred… Is this where he was warned? cuz Ive not seen 1 warning about this whatsoever.

So according to you, people on dead realms should have simply what??.. just stop playing the game?

And by the way the list of server offered by blizzard are total crap, sulfuras was the only okay server.

And you actually know all of this too.
Very sad to read something like that, you can do better
and wayyyy before = 4weeks, its not that long … you also know this im pretty sure

The servers we transferred to FROM the mega servers, now have large queues. What’s your answer to that, Mr. Know-it-all? Exactly, you don’t have one.

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Serious question, if they’re ready to cancel their sub what is stopping them?

They can play until their game time expires, and they can resub within minutes of it expiring if the issue is fixed before then and they forget to.

Sounds like you’re being dramatic to coerce Blizzard.

Half cancelled today. The other half is holding out hope for a blizz response

Ok, but put up or shut up. Blizzard isn’t going to just take you at your word. Also, Blizzard owns Candy Crush. I highly doubt 30 subscriptions will make or break them.

“You’re fibbing with those numbers, but myself? I am not fibbing at all, even though all I have to say is my word vs yours. But you are the one fibbing, not me of course.”

God you sound so dense.

if half my guild quit that is just the tip of the iceberg. As GM I am going down with the ship but I am getting in the last liferaft

Oh no, the tip of the iceberg! And you are so noble lol

No it doesn’t. Please don’t make things up. I’m using the addon to calculate census for servers and it’s counting people from 1-80.

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he used the word ‘‘sir’’ it means hes a bot, thats how you spot them… ‘‘mage DPS sir’’

Keep shilling for the man! Maybe they’ll give you one of those streamer accounts

Just because I think you’re being dramatic and exaggerating, doesn’t mean I think Blizzard is handling the servers appropriately. They’re mutually exclusive. Your supporting points are weak, that’s all.

Bro I went to transfer. I need to login to remove my mail… I can only remove my mail if I login… I can’t login……

This is just evil.