This is putrid Blizzard Horde to Alliance

What a pointless comment

Pvp servers always fail. Just like they failed in actual TBC.

I still find these types of threads crazy. How is it Blizzard’s fault what players choose? At no point does Blizzard impose a faction choice on anyone, it is up to each player to choose a faction and a server.

How on earth is this even a Blizzard issue? I mean they even provide paid server transfers as well as periodic free transfers to help.

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Meanwhile, Fairbanks is at 25/75. Chilling in Shattrath you’d think it was 10/90. I would have transferred off this hellhole long ago if not for my friends being cheap about coughing up $25 for a better wow experience.

My server was 30% Alliance for a long time; but now as of this week it’s quickly becoming 15% Alliance because “dur no pugs fer der herokz, so we ginnu tranzfur tu uh betr server”

No kidding one guild left now everyone is going, and this seems to be what happens because blizzard gave us unlimited server transfers…

English please. What on earth does “viably sustainable” mean?

Oh, do you mean that pure fantasy of “perfect faction balance”, in a game where every player CHOOSES his race and faction? You know, that game that none of us have ever played, even the 16-year veterans?

Sorry for interrupting. Carry on with your fantasizing…

Their retail solution is trash and they know it.

It’s horribly balance there too! :laughing:

you can’t stop the horde bias that blizzard started over a decade ago and allowed to continue
once you come to terms with that, you come to terms with your ever increasing pvp queues and your ever imbalanced servers

Not quite, because then Druids would have Revive.

Such a pointless post. There are solutions, like giving Alliance bonus honor, or allowing paid (or free) faction changes. Asking people to reroll comes at a cost to the player, they don’t want to do the work. You people arguing with other players about it all day does nothing. You won’t convince them to give up everything and reroll just because you think your idea is the only right one. Which in this case is “Blizzard should do nothing.”

See the problem you’ll run in to here with faction changes is it’ll be the age old problem of horde players simply waiting for other horde players to change sides. None of them will and you’ll just be left with the same problem except this time you’ll only have yourselves to blame.

Horde bias? Clearly you didn’t play during Wrath of the Lich King, or any following expansion until Void Elves were added. Every Man for Himself didn’t cause massive rerolls/race changes to humans? Shadowmeld usable in combat was never exploited, nope. Dark Iron Dwarves are a straight upgrade to Dwarves. Kul Tirans versatility racial is literally the same as the high mountain racial, but it also heals them, and they get a racial Mega Punch that would make a Machamp shed a tear. We can keep going. Every Horde racial has been nerfed repeatedly.

This is the excuse every Alliance player is making, that they won’t do it. It’s literally a service that exists on retail that people use. This isn’t “retail” but this literally already happened. We’ve already been through this. We know what changes were made to fix these problems and people are complaining that the solutions that worked won’t work, because it’s TBC and no x expansion that happens later, where things get better.

Literally haven’t one person use this “excuse” (I wasn’t excusing anything, it was a prediction) on the forums. The fact is that there is something already pulling horde players over to alliance at the moment, it’s queue times. When Uncle Blizzard gets involved it tends to make things worse.

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