HAHAHAHAHAH. THIS my sir is Ad hominem. Instead of give proper argument you attacking me for that I don’t use something that is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the subject.
Also this is my main on US. I would gladly write here on behalf of my main (you can check Riskytits on EU Defias Brotherhood) if you need some validation of my playing time for some reason.
Phasing. Sharding is having small shards all over the world. Layering is entire world being 1 phase, which is planned. Not sure if they’re having layering yet in beta. Proper layering that is, could be WIP.
No Elo, we’re literally hyperventilating over layering at the moment. No time to put things into perspective.
And in the situation you stated that I responded to, that was sharding.
I know that is what they said, and I think they believe it, but if you have a 12K server after they merge the layers, that is not going to work either. You are back to square one with ques and you are going to have crazy lag.
No it wasn’t.
Are you telling me private servers are using sharding too?
I phased from Northshire to Elwynn, does that mean Northdale is sharded?
I said multiple instances. And you turned it into thousands
To be fair - they called it “realm sharding” in their original description in November of last year.
People went crazy - and they started calling it layering last week.
I know that is what they said, and I think they believe it, but if you have a 12K server after they merge the layers, that is not going to work either. You are back to square one with ques and you are going to have crazy lag.
As much as I want to think Classic will grow, I do think that after the first week or two as much as 70-90% of the hype tourists will be gone.
Yeah it does sound less menacing. It’s still not welcome system, but it’s necessary, I’d rather have it over my realm being dead in a month or two and having to reroll. Not to mention how much load it is on servers to have over a million people jumping into Classic on launch. I’m happy they’re looking for way to make it smooth, with using layering for shortest time possible.
I agree - so lock the layers and merge when the rush is over. After that shard 1-10 zones so people can get to Barrens.
Everyone does realize Yaluk’s first post was the original post in this thread and they have only ever visited this thread, right?
I agree - so lock the layers and merge when the rush is over.
I’m pretty sure that’s the plan
Layering is the better of two evils, they could’ve just stuck with sharding like it is in retail and just made us deal with it. So I’m happy with this alternative.
I’m pretty sure that’s the plan
She means a permanent lock, e.g. can’t join groups with a player in another layer.
Pretty close - except you can jump layers and it seems you will be assigned to a different layer every time you log in.
That doesn’t phase and only has multiples when needed. Chances are most realms will be down to a single layer, identically mimicking a single realm, in a few months.
Hmm… don’t know if i will like this one, i mean i want to avoid those realms which has streamers.
Everyone does realize Yaluk’s first post was the original post in this thread and they have only ever visited this thread, right?
I’m passionate about WoW and sharding is not Classic.
I need to play a male character is classic.
I’m passionate about WoW and sharding is not Classic.
Classic doesn’t exist yet, it never did, and there won’t be sharding, there’ll be layering, for first month.
Classic is recreation of vanilla.