This is getting silly now...Veggie weapons?

premade bgs gotta chill

Thank you for your input on how serious the gane should be, Doodoobutter from the guild HordeOnlyFans. Clearly jokes should never be welcomed in our World of Warcraft.


Yes, and it’s fantastic.

The game has always been silly. There has been a poop quest in vanilla and almost every expansion. There are a number of silly NPCs and questlines.

This is nothing new.


OP clearly never tried to fight things with their fishing pole.

We really need a bird race that can be paladins so I could play a bird prot pally named Sirfetch with my leek weapon and an appropriate shield.

Waiting on those playable Arakkoa even more than ever now :rofl:

Edit: Forgot to take off something in the quote so that it wouldn’t be automatically deleted for quoting a whole post :upside_down_face:


Would be a unexpected twist if they added a playable rabbit race and carrot weapons at this point… also I mean entirely rabbit like not that joke of a rabbit race from FF14

Excuse me.

But Inquisitors about to get a +25% damage boost to Drust with that onion flail.

I hadn’t seen that leek. Oh, well. At least Greg the Garlic farmer can dual wield and avenge his patched wife.

You just showed you didn’t read my whole post…I said something about those fish in the first place anyway…still think its silly…but hey if silly works for some let be…

This gave me an idea, we need more kitchen weapons like pots, pans, and rolling pin as weapons.

Chef cosmetics that are not bound to specific gear types.

A battle chef.

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And now I shall make a farmer transmog for one of my Warriors.

I like silly stuff sometimes im down besides not like theres anything more silly then our huge shoulders

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Gonna look great on my druid.

we need some Kettle Fists

I really hate these ridiculous looking transmogs.

I wish they never added “fun looking” weapons like this and the floppy fish.

I also wish that they never added armor mogs that look like casual clothes.

Its immersion breaking to have a hero that is wearing a pink dress and killing dragons with a dead fish.

The only weapon mogs should be actual weapons and the only armor mogs should be actual armor.

I actually really like these additions. Maybe I don’t want to be the Maw-walker, the greatest champion of Azeroth, slayer of Deathwing.

Maybe I just wanna run around with some garlic making a salad.

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now I really want to do that, roll a female gnome monk wearing a pink dress dual wielding dead fish as weapons.

You can get alot out of a zucchini and some corn down in Goldshire.

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Silly is kind of normal for this game.

Here’s a frying pan mace.

Also, I’ve noticed that with silly things being added it’s usually not used very often by most people.