Just in case anyone wants to know where the info is posted…
The way bilzz’s been doing stuff i
don’t think they can get it to work (Warband Bank)
I just did the warbank quest on my lock. It was cute and fun and relatively short.
The longest time I spent on it was trying to remember how to get to Gadgetzen but I did.
Anyway, since everyone’s calling early shots, I’m going to throw mine in here.
Maintenance on this coming Tuesday will either be timely as in the hours they’ve specified or it’ll end a bit early.
Warbanks will be ready before then but just before and when this happens, everyone will come to GD and say “I knew this would happen”.
Then, sometime afterward, warbanks will bug out again but it won’t be for long.
And its not a warbank its a waitbank…
I want my nickel refunded.
Fully expected this to be honest…tables will only flip if they extend again lol
why didn’t they give us any warning!
caverns of time portal is rather convenient!