This guy gets it. Hear him out boys

This shyyte is long but it makes more sense than anything I’ve ever read on a WoW forum thread.

" The central problem is the level of entitlement on display here.

No doubt there are many executives from whom you could hear the same opinion. Though they would direct it at their enemy, us.

But no, the real entitlement here is many times more massive than what you can see from cranky gamers wanting their most hated class nerfed. The real entitlement is from the shareholders and CEO of Bilzzard, thinking that they can cut costs and corners to maximize profits on the psuedo-relaunch of a 15 year old game they own the rights to.

They’re right of course, they can legally do as terrible a job as they want and collect our $15 a month plus the naked cash grab for mounts and boosts. Though, as the video of Steve Jobs making the rounds on the web teaches, the product suffers massively.

I wish I could say that I couldn’t believe it when i heard that blizzard was going to run TBC entirely on one patch. Does anyone remember their little PR story they put out about the hunt for the original WoW code?

A segment of it made reference to the fact that in the case of TBC all the original data was still intact in archives, but not so lucky for vanilla.

They could have made this re-launch a near exact replica, but it would have been “hard”. Aww, poor little multi-billion dollar company just doesn’t have the resources or experience to bring us a patch by patch recreation that they KNOW is what we actually want?

They certainly could have, but to accomplish this feat they would have to pay many more programmer hours and that means less money for their shareholders, and that just isn’t acceptable no matter what their customers want right?

“You think you do, but you don’t” They massively overloaded these servers and allowed transfers to make imbalances even worse.

This never should have been allowed to happen, but no matter how many times we begged/threatened/asked for information about TBC classic release, they fended us off until when they finally did release some details, it would have been too late to refuse their cheapa$$ version of TBC classic all on a patch that frankly wasn’t even the best patch to choose.

We bear much of the burden of blame, we only spoke as one for a few months to get this entire dog and pony show to happen. Since it’s been created we’ve divided amongst ourselves in so many ways we no longer have the leverage we could wield to force shareholders to accept less money for a better product.

Horde vs Alliance, OGs vs retail andy’s, PvPers vs PvEers, MrNiceguys vs Trolls

I don’t know if it’s possible to squeeze a great WoW experience out of this greedy company anymore, but I do know the ONLY way it’s going to happen is if we all swallow our pride and communicate and compromise with each other to speak with one voice and dictate terms to these once gamers consumed by avarice.

It would be presumptive of me to tell you what we should do next, and barring a miracle not enough people will even see this message. But i’ve recently made a couple threads and read thousands of your replies, I’ve heard you and I hope you will hear me out and spread the word. We need a figurehead with a platform and a voice, the easiest choice would be Asmon, but more difficult to achieve; we need to come together and decide what we want to demand for our dollars. "


This would rely on some level of class consciousness to conduct, but as we all know the only class consciousness in America is amongst the rich.


So you quote such a lengthy passage and claim it makes more sense than anything you have EVER read on a WoW forum???

You fail to give credit where it is due for such a massive amount of text! I know not this person or where it comes from.

And hardly impressed by what i did read. Just another mans/womans opinions on what they should/should not do and blah blah

Asmon?? The youtube person named Asmongold?? A figurehead!?

/spit! X10

The man is no more than an entertainer!! A jester! Nothing more!

After seeing this person give such a madening claim as even thinking Asmon to be anything close to a representative/figurehead/symbol/whatever…i regret wasting my time reading any of it!


Only thing Blizzard understands is money, if they make changes its due to unsubscriptions, therefore unless you can get 1000s to unsubscribe for a specific reason, they will never relent on changes.


Hate to be the one to break your bubble, but the people making decisions that you’re against, are probably not gamers to begin with.

And I don’t say that in a gatekeeping way. I mean the people who are actually in charge have probably not played a single video game in their lives.

It’s just a post from another currently active thread from just another user. OP didn’t even ‘like’ the post he stole.

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I thank you for your effort of this.

Yes, theft. Clearly and lazily theft with no proper credit or accountability of passage quoted.

Were i a moderator i would have immediately ended this thread upon your discovery.

And by the gods!! You could not be bothered to even push a pretty little heart button for all the sense it made to you, OP? Im not even going to waste my spit…

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Really… this is what you waste your keystrokes on?

That I took the time to praise OP’s words and repost on a separate thread but didn’t hit a heart button?

Or mention the level 27 character’s name he posted under?

Seriously, this is the exact kind of petty self indulgent behavior that inhibits our community’s ability to band together and help bring about positive changes in our shared hobby.

I couldn’t be more disappointed in you.


I’m under the impression that it also comes down to management and employees. Being assigned homework to shove into the game instead of attempting to be creative with a design and limitations is a difficult task.

Remember when motion controls were forced into Nintendo games and we got a lot of awkward and frustrating products as a result? When motion controls are an option to work with that the creators can elect to work with games can return to its fun state.

Micro transaction and loot boxes had success as a business model and I’m sure was assigned from a boss somewhere who didn’t really have any idea on how things work like “Put that into the game. We can make the money that others are making”

Shoving in homework assignments into a game makes it heartless and we feel it.

Just flag this as spam. It is literally copy/paste from another thread. He could have just posted in that thread.

You need to name the author of the quotation… Thank you.

It is the mentality of people being selfish and expecting someone else to do it… It is all over the world and rising so fast, you better learn to swim!

It was I that OP was quoting here…

Don’t flame this guy, idc that he didn’t attribute it to me. The important thing is that we stop squabbling amongst one another and use our combined voice to speak as one and leverage Blizzard into making good choices for game-play over choosing short sighted profits for it’s shareholders.


You had me until " ASMON SHOULD LEAD US!"

I’m confused. I thought that’s what these forums were for.

I’m open to suggestions, the man certainly isn’t what i’d call my cup of tea. However the odds of a movement from the player base gaining enough visibility and steam to reach a very sizable chunk of current classic players.

I don’t have all the answers but I know one thing, it will take many thousands of us cancelling our subscriptions together to get Blizzard’s shareholders to loosen their purse-strings and invest into TBC and WotLK classic.

Even if every forum troll here agreed and took action as one, obviously impossible, it wouldn’t be enough people I don’t think. Asmon has hundreds of thousands of viewers and has spoken against their cancerous practices as of late. It would help his career to be at the head of such a movement and so might be willing to put in the effort. I’d prefer Madseason but I don’t think we could talk him into it.

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We need someone willing to bang their shoe on the table until heard.

Blizzard didn’t listen to laws (sexual harassment in particular).

Blizzard didn’t listen to facts.

So short of a 1/6 type of event, we need someone willing to bang their damn shoe on the table until heard.

:high_heel: :high_heel:

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The number of people flaming and trolling the OP for “technicalities” and “forum rules laywers” are proving his overall point.

Blizzard has done such a good job at keep us at each others throats that we’ll take whatever scraps they throw on the floor for us.

Read the bloody post again, the whole thing and take 5 seconds before you continue to be part of the problem and not demand better from Blizzard.

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Pft. Just sounds like a brown-shirt, Mob, manifesto to me.

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Honestly? The post isn’t even correct.

He spends most of his opening argument talking about the patch-progressive approach to TBC as the crux behind his formed narrative of Blizz being scumbags, when that’s not even what “everyone wants”.

See all the dual spec threads? FvF appreciation?

The today community for classic does not want an actually authentic experience. So the entire post is off the mark.