This forum

Anyone with an XX chromosome pisses me off


im a rogue

People got super sensitive and Blizzard’s auto-mod quickly stamps out any fun threads.

Even on Twitter, snowflakes resort to blocking rather than mixing it up.

Too many people need their safe spaces. Makes me :face_vomiting:

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Imagine being a dick all the time and expecting people to put up with you.

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I am a dick all the time and have a 15+ year old guild full of nerds who would enthusiastically follow me off a cliff

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You seem to have a good sense of humor about it though. You know the difference in having fun with it and just being a dick, from what Ive seen. Mort too.

Some people dont know when to stop and are just honest to god dickheads. Those that mention safe spaces are typically them.

As many people recall, I drove the forums here in MoP and people just loved the daily back and forth mudslinging.

People were more invested in the game back then and there were many rivalries. It made for an exciting community.

Now, so many sensitive people adopt Cancel Culture and Blizzard caters to it. This is what you get… a dead, dry forum with no rivalries and no real point to participate here. It makes ED less special.

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I think your sense of history is a bit off friend. Warsong Dream News was the primary source of entertainment and information. Fair and Balanced.

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you can’t talk to me like that

you’re not my real dad

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We must petition for the removal of forum censorship.


Just like a typical WSB city raid. :slight_smile:

Of course. The Alliance always had a fighting chance and simply chose to welcome us instead. Not exactly surprising considering the great deeds of the Warsong Empire. God Emperor Himanshu brought the light of civilization to all, willing or not.

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Sharding… Sharding… Sharding!!!

Oh, and the annoying opt into or out of Warmode button.

Seeing more off-realmers in zone than players from ED as I make my way through the new expansion…

Kinda makes it difficult to develop any rivalries that are meaningful.

“Mother Blizzard” obviously doesn’t want realms to have their own identities anymore.

For the Alliance!

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True true… but no one does that because TOS is now broken by anything that is offensive… including pvp…

My momma says god gave me an extra cromosome because he made me extra special

Get pooped on Horde


Well golly Jimmirus. I surely hope you didn’t offend any hordies. That would look bad for the Alliance. Haha.

Okay take it easy Jim you’re scaring the kids


I made the sweetest forum post and they forced it down, there’s just no hope of change Uncle Heltor.


what comp u runnin in 3s?