It’s the same company that owns Candy Crush. Not a coincidence.
I wish more of the forum regulars were on. This thread would be so juicy before it falls off or deleted by blizzard.
Sorry I can’t be bothered to read posts that break apart every sentence to give some random reaction like “Not true” or “I don’t agree”.
This isn’t your YouTube reaction channel this is a general discussion, either give an actual fact or tag your post with “THIS IS MY OPINION” because literally every single thing I said in my OP is factual and 100% accurate.
For example, where am I wrong in saying this:
This LITERALLY just happened a day ago.
Tupac is back spitting 100% truth and facts.
Mods, pin this!
There isn’t a tagging system on these forums
So “Maw and TC is designed for people who hate actual content and want to see the same greyscale for 11+ hours.” this is a fact and 100% accurate… bravo dude, amazing. 10/10 response.
Don’t worry Tupac. We have a special little man with green text running around here who also exploited the game on video and blizzard refuses to acknowledge it. When you are friends with the rule makers, they don’t apply to you.
So you’re telling me a grown adult that plays a scuffed rogue lite game mode that’s entirely designed in grey scale and offers literally zero incentive besides a mount that you can just get in the maw is considered someone who enjoys real content?
If you took that description of content and said that to someone in WoTLK days, they’ll tell you that WoW has to be dead before content like that is ever deemed worthy enough to pay for yet here we are in the after life of WoW discussing whether or not this is good content.
I brought popcorn in case anybody forgot theirs.
This post is so true, there is really no point in playing retail right now the time investment is not worth the gear that you get or in my case the gear that never drops. We clear a heroic boss with 30 players and 3 pieces of loot drops. That is fine in classic where all the content is a joke how easy it is. But heroic raiding is no joke in this expansion. So far this game is not a better game for most of us.
I didn’t check his name until you brought it up… he’s total 180…
100% Agreed, the problem to me is that Blizzard focuses on Time Played as a metric of success so all this gear/time gating is literally them wanting to stretch as much of our wallets out before we catch onto how minimal and rushed this whole expansion truly is.
Wow news flash MMO’s are a time investment.
Wow news flash MMO’s are dead and the industry is filled with fake GoFundMe games that promise and never deliver.
SL isn’t a time investment, it’s a time drain. An investment means you get something out of it, but now you quite literally get nothing.
Better tell that to MMO company’s still releasing expansions for their dead games.
I finally figured it out. WoW is Disneyland inching closer to the PTW, free loot on every kill, everyone gets BiS, no one truly dies in any content, and you can play dress-up as any toon of any faction
I won’t have to tell them anything because people like you and the 10 whales who live off their cash shop are doing plenty to keep the dead body afloat.
Nice discussion, I too can go to the bathroom and spit out brown nonsense.
You spit out brown nonsense the moment you posted here, i’m just flushing it down the drain now.
Your post history begs to differ.