You are trying to have a conversation with a guy who doesn’t even play the game and sits in trade chat most of his play time. Tradechan as a guild name, yikes dude. I almost feel sorry for him at this point. Proudmoore has a lot of tupacs as well, who just sit in trade as well. Good luck all, tossing thread on mute rofl.
I’m 10/10 in Normal Nath, starting Heroic along with 1600 in 3s, 204 iLevel. Not the best but i’ve seen enough to know that SL isn’t good, and you don’t have to feel that way but it’s called an opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs.
Bari doesn’t make outlandish statements and claims that border on controversial issues… Tupac on the other hand…
No one cares about Bori’s post history because he/she doesn’t make outlandishly controversial statements constantly… unlike Tupac.
Tupac is like Covid at this point… he is everywhere.
Prestigious: inspiring respect and admiration; having high status.
No one respects tupac… no one admires tupac… the only status he has is a repeat trolling offender with several forum vacations under his belt.
Silence doesn’t equal consent.
Attempting to hide behind the CoC after you’ve openly violated it isn’t going to end well for you.
To be fair, liking or hating shadowlands shouldn’t be a controversial issue at all.
I’m Bori now? Bori the Boing boing.
To be frank here, there are some times where i’ve said something dumb or what i have considered dumb. But i do my best to try to learn from those mistakes and try not to make the mistakes again, or at least articulate my thoughts in a way that is not…
Looks at Tupac’s thread.
Plus i wouldn’t mind seeing people pull up my post history every once a while, it keeps my feet on the ground, and gives me a nice little reminder that the internet doesn’t forget.
A lesson that FAR too many people need to learn, and not just on the forums here.
This guy is a mega LARPer. He has no real opinions, and his entire worldview was shattered a while ago. He remains in a sort of purgatory state where he is simultaneously full of rage and anger but has nowhere to direct it so he turns to meaningless internet discussion. But he has no real opinions anymore. He is an empty shell of a former person, he is a hungry ghost. So he shapeshifts and takes up any viewpoint he thinks will get him the most attention in that moment. He is the definition of a contrarian.