This expansion is a glorified iPhone app

Dude you keep assuming things.

Fun facts, I am back after a six month break. I realized it wasn’t fun for me anymore, like I have plenty of time over 16 years of game play.

I can do something I enjoy, if you truly are that addicted to a game, seek help. I find it so weird that people will keep paying for something they no longer enjoy and take the time to go after anyone who still loves it. That’s not on Blizzard, that’s on the players who keep paying to be unhappy. If all of you unsubbed like we did in WoD over flying though, do you really think there would be as big of a dent? I don’t.

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I agree, but theirs 2 mailboxes in Oribos, seems like many didn’t explore… it’s on the outer ring of the inn… although it’s more further out the way.

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You’re acting like me making this post will magically cause Ion and the Dev team to swoop down and make sweeping changes to the game.

Who cares if I unsubscribe or if anyone does really, this game’s metric of value is based on time played and literally every single part of SL is designed to get you to keep spending more time while rewarding you less and less just to hit you with that big loot piece only to be followed by the same routine until you either get tired and complain on the forums or you unsub and leave.

I think regardless if someone enjoys WoW or not, they should have the right to speak their mind on these forums.

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I think you are reading way to into this, I am merely sharing how I feel like you.

Did I once say you shouldn’t? No. I just find you as a whole hilarious. From Fanboi to Foe, in mere days, come on…

Getting more troll bites with negativity? Really curious!

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How am I foe for having an opinion that’s different than yours?

Like people say i’m a troll but can’t discredit anything I wrote in the OP:

I don’t think i’m a “Foe” for telling the truth.

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Clears throat loudly


You aren’t sincere about anything and anyone who has been around here knows it.

Too bad you’re back.


Rofl you are really reaching here bro, foe to Blizzard, look at your title… Let’s be real here, you have been posting troll threads for months saying how awesome the game is now this…

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Tell us how you really feel.

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Thank you Saxon-named priest

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Aww I was beginning to miss my #1 Fan boy, I have multiple other posts you can link too that are just as big as that one you know?

You say this yet can’t find anything wrong with my OP while tons of people agree and like it, to me it seems like you would rather make it all about me instead of my OP and I think that’s where you’re confusing things.

Reread my OP and tell me where anything I said was wrong?

It takes you 11 hours to do TC? And im assume you only touched layer 1 if you detest it so, each floor is like 10 min dude (and yes I complete everything per floor)

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You know the Chicken Little story?

You are our Chicken Little… that’s all we are saying.

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How can I be a foe to Blizzard when Blizzard is a foe to itself? Every expansion since MoP has been class pruning followed by one major mistake after another, and now we’re ironically in the after life of WoW after most of the player base has moved on.

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Sure and this is coming from the guy who wanted to give the Dev’s props!

The genre is dying yes, but thing is, Blizzard is still winning the MMO game. Personally, I like this version of it, so do plenty of others. Until we all go they will keep pumping it out like EQ, the only difference is they still make the money.

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I’ve evolved since then, people can change.

Being the top game of a dead genre is like the being the tallest midget, SL can only try so hard to look legitimate before people find out that it wasn’t the expansion it sold itself as and I’m willing to bet that a lot of people are actually more so on my side than yours when it comes to the state of SL.

Yeah, you know you doomsayers have been around since day one right?

I honestly think they celebrated it every year as a middle finger to the lot of you…

At least your glad that i’m calling you out that you’re doing a 180 (again).

Also, it isn’t just me who is calling you out.

So much for this line… :point_down: :stuck_out_tongue:

4 weeks later…

Oh, but lets be realistic and honest here… you’re gonna 180 again in a week, then another 180, then another, then another, then another. My god, your turnarounds are so quick, you put Tony Hawk’s The 900 to shame. You’re doing a 1800. It’s like if you put on that jetpack cheat in Pro Skater 2 and just kept on spinning around. This is pretty much where you’re gonna end up. :laughing:


Nothing I said is doomsayer-esque.

Literally all I and everyone else has been trying to say is that regardless if WoW lives or dies, this current iteration is an absolute chore to play and is designed to keep you playing as long as possible with little to no rewarding qualities.

You don’t have to agree, but that’s what an opinion is and everyone is entitled to theirs.

Sure, but people can see and still see that you’re still shutting people down whenever they have an opinion that doesn’t fit your view and still pretending as if you’re not in the wrong here in saying any of the stuff you’ve said. Plus not much happens in the 1 to 2 months after your post or at launch that will make a person change their tune as fast as you did here.

(I thought you were the OP Alakhai, my apologies)