So, you’re avoiding the fact that there’s an optimal formula for loot-to-player ratios?
And leave Jesus out of this. He probably wouldn’t touch anything related here with a 10 foot pole. Especially a Blood Elf.
So, you’re avoiding the fact that there’s an optimal formula for loot-to-player ratios?
And leave Jesus out of this. He probably wouldn’t touch anything related here with a 10 foot pole. Especially a Blood Elf.
Opinions are nice.
I dunno, I am enjoying SL so far. I also enjoyed BFA too, although 8.3 was sketchy but even with Corruption I still had fun.
I am calling you a liar. You would have needed almost 50,000 honor to upgrade all pieces to 184… Also I did a ton of epic BGs and never got 1k before winning. Baily 1k WITH winning. Also you do realize that we can see how many BGs you have done on your profile?
The point of the matter is the game is incentivizing splits and armor stack m+ grps now more that ever these loot number changes are bad aoe cap in bad class spec balance is bad conduit design bad
Shadowlands aside from the raid it self and story / art is bad. This game isn’t that good
I love how I’m now arguing against a mook who thinks I’m being nitpicky by telling someone they are stating factually wrong things and the mook who wants to keep defending it anyways.
But I’m done with this garbage thread. Chao!
No need to do that, just pick herbs and mine ore while you do WQ’s and sell that, won’t be a massive amount of gold but it will get you anything you need.
Yeah I don’t know how it is on the smaller servers, sounds like you should leave if it’s an issue or do something yourself as you alone can impact the server. Bigger servers are better in every single way other than launch issues and having names you like taken.
In the time you have taken to reply to me I made maybe 10-15k gathering on an alt while I watch a video. I have enough gold atm so I’m at the point where I don’t gather often but even with just passive stuff like disenchanting and what you get out in the world and mission tables I earn a good 5k+ a day. If things ever get bad I can even run back to BFA, you can earn 2k gold per character whenever a emissary that gives out gold is up in a short amount of time.
I need to do this.
So, 1k honor per BG on the low end. I’m wondering how you’re not getting more.
50 BGs.
Yes, you can. Just because your team doesn’t run defense, destroy things, or do BGs quickly doesn’t mean the groups I’m with don’t or can’t.
I’m not sure you read your own post actually. I responded to what you wrote
The fact that rewards that are time-gated are worse than rewards you can get before them is pretty dumb is stated quite clearly.
You’re holding downgrades and worse things behind a time-gate.
The campaign is timegated, the rewards tied to them are inconsequential what’s the problem here?
You just said it.
As a newer player, I find the story and dungeons kinda underwhelming if I may be honest. I like SL but I feel like the stuff I’ve done before is way more fun. I’m not trying to remember 500 different systems which is killing my enjoyment.
That, and the dungeons and zones aren’t all that great. 3 dungeons are Maldraxxus related and I hate the place. I also don’t like how the NPC’s are lame right now. (Thrall and Baine) I’ve heard a lot of good about Thrall but seeing him toss an Axe at a boss lady was humiliating lol. I dunno, I prefer the older expansions I happen to dip around, SL isn’t my fave by any means at this point.
By your logic.
If some one says ret paladins word of glory is OP but they don’t know what the ability exactly does except all they know is it makes ret paladins heals too strong…
Word of glory isn’t OP cuz the person doesn’t know how it works.
Just cuz some one might not know how global warming works doesn’t mean that they are wrong when they say global warming bad.
so your problem is the campaign being timegated and not rewards themselves? because that’s not what you said
Time Gating:
A. I’m not saying we should get raid or mythic gear. But we have to hit renown 11 or 12 to get increased WQ items, but by then, just our heroic or PVP gear is better. Bruh. There’s, literally, no point in adding this as a perk. It doesn’t apply to alts.
Don’t even -start- trying to lie about what I said.
Exactly and how they didn’t see this is beyond me. You release one of the lowest dropping loot expansions in years and add hilariously bad loot rewards behind a timegate that literally won’t matter for most people by the time they unlock it. It’s okay I guess to help alts gear up after so many weeks so they can get 180+ loot from wq I guess down the road… oh joy.
Hell I’m fully okay with upwards of ilevel 200 pieces from some world quests at times cause who cares? Oh and boost the ilevel profession people can craft up to at least 184-190!
I’m a casual player, I feel like every time I log in there is damn laundry list of requisite chores to accomplish to keep my character relevant! Sucks! I may only have an hour to play that day. And when I spend that hour having to do bull(bleep) that I don’t want to do just to maintain my character it’s just wrong.
The other day, I ran around spending my entire play time doing these boring ‘chores’ (campaign, renowned, legendary, soul ash, sanctum, and whatever other borrowed power systems crap Bliz has conceived to keep us chasing the dragon).
All I really wanted out of the game was to run some simple BG’s and not get dumpstered. I think the game has finally pushed this grind too far! It’s really past the tipping point whereby I’m not sure it’s worth it anymore! It really has me questioning …:why am I even playing this game anymore? WoW use to not be like this!
You make no sense
what are you referring to