This diablo event in WoW is the worst event I've ever participated in

Tbh it’s bad enough if you’re farming the 36 slot bags on many alts as well, it’s now been around 30 hours since the last bag I dropped, on 2 accounts per goblin spawn, and since you’re farming tyrael, you can imagine how annoying it is that anything you do in and out of wow gets constantly interrupted every 30 mins, and for what? 30-50 gold? As inefficient as it gets, it doesn’t feel like a waste of time, it is.

You can do it on a lev 1. All that matters is if you can get the toon to the gob spawn spot

a level 1 isn’t going to live for long in a zone with mobs 60+
need to be alive to tag it :stuck_out_tongue:

When theres a massive group there or it’s in a main ciry a lev1 can do it

All the level 1 has to do is tag it and let other players kill it.


Typical internet toughguy response. The event isn’t super. The mount thing is what it is, I quit.

But, for example, why isn’t Wirt’s Leg or the polearm either: A.) Tradeable to others who were there for the kill? B.) Cosmetic so I didn’t need to get it on a class that can use Polearms? Or just make it accountbound.

Also, let me selling the friggen buff items. More bag clutter non-sense.


Make events FUN!!!
How hard is that?


kind of pointless though… unless you plan on leveling the character.

It’s the same as anniversary events, its lazy and boring, give us a vendor to buy loots (with gold not 500 more fkn mats that take up bag space) I hate this game.

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Still very unique and I love it. Glad I got it to drop. They should just give it away as it is dated.

Probably will be in the trading post next month.

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I don’t believe that is wide spread… I mean talk about wasted life and this is coming from a guy who spends his work time on here… But if it was could you not just civilly disagree?

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Though I’ve always hated its stubby legs. Otherwise it would be a gorgeous mount.

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I got the mount on my third try and I don’t even care about it or really want it. But i kept it anyway

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The legs are boe, you can trade or sell them on the ah. I thought the pole arms were tradable to eligible people from that kill too, but haven’t tried it myself.

Yeah? Ok ill check again but i didnt think they were. No odea where i got that from.

That might have been an early hotfix.

I got the mount my first kill :slight_smile:

Yes I can. I’ve let myself fall victim to these types before. I’m much better at recognizing the passive / aggressive behavior of these types of trolls and I no longer choose to interact when I can see it happening.

Moderators, if they bothered to, can recognize them as well. It’s just not the kind of high-attention issue of the person who falls prey to these malicious baiter trolls.

If you are a member of a discord that has these types of malingering trolls as members, when the troll announces it’s time to mass report someone, just refuse to participate.

Why wouldn’t somebody spend an hour or two leveling up enough to learn a rare mount or a cosmetic appearance?

Gotta get over your FOMO, my guy. It looks unhealthy for you.