Things you are hyped about?

well at least he would be cute :innocent:

Blue eyes for bloodelves finally!!!

Customization and enhance shaman updates! C: more specifically female pandaren! ~

LOL, I read that as heifers!


No you’re scourge :frowning:

Maldraxxus > Ardenweald > Bastion > Whatever the Venthyr zone is called, didn’t even bother remembering its name.

New customizations! I can’t wait to make my shammy a Wildhammer!

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It’s about damned time wildhammers are added. They should have been a thing before dark irons.

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Do you know what the Scourge is in WoW? Because I am basically the opposite. I smell nice, I am alive (I think. But who knows in this crazy world of warcraft?), and I don’t try to kill everything in my path (most of the time). Also, the venthyr one is Revendreth.

The first comment was just a joke, you know when kids retort by saying “No you’re a blank

And no, you don’t smell nice. You smell like wet dog. Sorry to inform you.

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Have you been smelling me again?


I thought I told you to quit! I smell like a cat, thank you very much. I am a feral druid.

If you are a feral druid then I can’t smell you at all, because no one plays feral so there’s nothing to smell XD





I thought I just said I did? Plus, it is very easy to spot one of those magma cats in dung or raid, and I have seen quite a bit of them.

Nothing…absolutely nothing !! Due to Pathfinder, the last expansion I purchased was WOD. Started playing Legions a while back as it was free when BOA went live. So, “my” decisions to not support poor game design, as I refuse to spend money for something I dislike, has left me with no new content to experience. Each time I log on I ask myself “why”.
/walks away crying quietly

Buying my brutosaur.

ALL of the customizations!

The new mounts.

New Hunter pets.

New Hunter and Druid abilities. Cobra pet army here I come!

The Loas.

The POSSIBILITY of playable Sethrak. (Which I NEED. Please!)


I wish but probably won’t happen. Sethrak will be forgotten until they show up three expansions down the line as random enemies or quest givers.

I’m not giving up yet. I’ve been campaigning for them hard. I adore them and their lore. :heart:But yea, maybe I’ll die on this mountain. :woman_shrugging:


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The moth, I’m in love

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With all these eye customizations for the other races I hope they add options for Vulpera. I want to customize my Vulpera’s eyes.

Red left eye.

Blue right eye.


Not a big fan of going to realm of the dead. Still there are options to get back many dead heroes. Which is always a good thing. They could even give more race option to DH now. With the ones who did not survive being able to return.

I really wanted a dimensional world like they were hinting at in BFA. The world realities were merge with multi same heroes and stuff. Instead of this.