Things you are hyped about?

Did they update his model? Pretty sure the last thing I saw was a placeholder. It was a female kyrian.

Edit: Ah yeah I see it, its a male kyrian now. I think the reasoning for the change is that supposedly beings sent to the Shadowlands will slowly change to look like the creatures that inhabit the covenants they are sent to. For all we know, Garrosh could be a common ghoul in maldraxxus or some rotten elf looking thing with the venthyr and we’d never be the wiser.

male nelf tattoos

black hair

black hair

did i mention night elves finally have black hair?

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Yeah, black hair for night elves has been a long time waiting. But I haven’t seen anything about that yet.

It’s one of three or four new colors we’re getting. Few new skin tones, male tattoos, blonde hair, it’s awesome stuff dude.

Was this in the blizzcon panel? I don’t see anything for nelves on wowhead yet

No, there are tweets flying around from certain dataminers. The thread:

I understand the reasoning :pleading_face:
Just um I expected kinda legendary paladin look Uther. Not the uh… smurf…
My main’s pali and I like the class fantasy a lot. Uther was the reason I would choose Kyrian for my pali buuut
Idk important things for me don’t seem to be right. Kinda sad.

Would you rather him be turned into a Swolkin? I was kind of hoping to see Swolkin Uther walking around.

Yes. Any other questions?

That wasn’t a question for you, but I’ll throw you a bone anyways. Are Swolkin the superior Shadowlands race?

Yes. I demand Swolekin Allied Race NOW. And the ghost dryads. And the not-satyr satyr dudes.

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I surprisingly love the tree dudes from the fae folk.

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I want the Winter Queen as nelf racial leader. Blizz, make it so.

Tyrande can be the Winter Queen after we drop her.

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The salt on the forums when SL finally launches

The salt is already here. Just look at all of the helfers XD

Feral ability sounds. Please change these blizzard gah damn.

I am SO HYPED about the faerie people in Ardenweald, and I have already fallen in love with the new worgen models. Bastion looks pretty cool, and Revendreth gets a meh because it looks sort of like gilneas but it isnt my type of zone. Maldraxxus gets a “booo” because it is scourge.

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well at least he would be cute :innocent:

Blue eyes for bloodelves finally!!!