Things to never do in shuffle

Yeah virtually everyone who played got it, except you ofc

If everyone got it does it really matter if you don’t?

I’m teasing the guy who has a public humiliation fetish I’m actually being nice rn

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Because even most below average players managed to snag one.

I wish my class could be so confident to heal without cds… I go through cds within the first 20 seconds of the game then I’m stuck picking my nose until i watch my dps not use theirs and die.

I wonder how other rdruids make it work :tired_face:


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I wouldn’t know, no one plays them. Everyone’s on hpal.

And this is why that random pally bubble that happened, happened.

I’ve been finishing up this cycle of gw2 content and doing all the festival events and Qing some shuffle in between.

My most recent lobby was 2850 mmr, with a rogue and ret who are currently in r1 cutoff range. I went 5-1 and the loss was the ret paladin using spell bop at 5% with lay and bubble available while the healer was sapped into blind into stun into 1/2 trap. No sanc used, no bop on the blind, no bop on his kidney + death mark. Just spell bop at 5%.

The poor healer went 2-4 and lost like 56 pts because his dps fumbled at the finish line. Actually crazy.

Feels like I just read a page out of my diary.

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People just cater to healers so they keep healing because no one else wants to do it. And no one wants to do it not because it’s hard, but because it’s boring. There I said it.

Never save bubble, turtle or ice block for next match.

I’m looking at you ret, mage & huntards

I enjoy it but need voice not some random dudes in solo, let shuffle die and us heals will be happy

I do enough for the whole healing population.

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Yep, life of a healer. The shuffle system makes the difference between 0 and -56 points decided by a single global from your teammate. It’s the same for everyone, but it’s just very noticeable when it’s healer vs healer.

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Well, this tilted me and made my eye twitch just reading it, so I think the rdruid deserves a pass here…

My favourite is mages pressing block with BoP and/or sacred weapon on them because they don’t know how lightsmith health sharing works (admittedly a giga toxic mechanic that shouldn’t be in arena at all). “You were los”

Yes! I was behind a pillar spamming heals on myself because our health pools are linked and I can’t be interrupted here… You’re fine.

And yes, the bop was super low because you’re greeding iceblock way too long (you prob should press it first), but pressing it 2sec after a bop against double melee is just throwing it away at that point…