Thick Pandaren Females

That’s STILL dumb to me, there in tune with nature enough to be shaman but NOT druids? Like…why???

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I love EXTRA THICCCCCCC panda girls <3

It’s all that fur. Of COURSE they get overheated.

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Not until they get a option to hide all the fur. It is insulting that Blizzard thinks they can’t use a shaving razor!

a bald panda? idk. Skin intended to be covered in fur normally looks better covered in fur. What’s a mouth full of fur? If you enjoy biting it’s worth the effort.




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It is weird to think that all the fur humanoids of Warcraft wouldn’t be thinking about shaving or waxing. I mean regular humans tend to think about their body hair all the time. The fact that they wear clothing suggests that most actually do and we just cant get the option for bald as you put it.

I dunno. I kind of think it’d be weird as a furry to constantly be thinking about being hairless.

This doesn’t make sense to me, but I know I’m not standard. I wear clothing because I’ll get arrested if I don’t. I spent the first 5 years of my life naked. Not that my parents didn’t dress me. I just took it all off.

Only if you make a post telling everyone how hot they are.

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Normally I would bap necros with a newspaper but the topic is a good one so it’s a pass.

Long as we get the option for males too.

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Do you want to look like Amy Schumer or Alan Hale Jr.?


Not saying fully hairless. But to think some don’t even choose to pick what they want would be crazy. I mean the males have beards and some trim them. Think of teenagers in general. I think it would be funny though in their culture shaving could be as taboo as having a beard to humans once was.

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I like my women like I like my steak. THICC.


My ex was kinda thick like that. Nothing unattractive about it.
Lady pandas are the BEST looking models in the game for mogs, IMO


I 1000% agree.

Need me a thicc pandaren wife.


If they make human female waggle as draenei, that would be the hottest combination :rofl:.

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Me too buddy, me too. How about we be each other’s wing Amman and go out for a night out in Stormwind?

I can’t tell if the opening post is a command or a statement of personal preference.

Nope. Not from me. :newspaper_roll:

Baps Fuzzbutt and the Necromancer with a newspaper

Clean the forums. >:(

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I mean…I went a bit further than Capt Kirking one…