They think there's nothing wrong rofl

If there was something wrong with pve or when there’s something wrong with pve they make changes quick… like the time jay Wilson said “shut up PvP guy”. They just don’t care for this community… changes are very slow, arena seasons suffer and we wait for balances to happen yet method hits a wall and blizzard to the rescue… I guess we need some method members to represent us in PvP… or change will never happen.


60,000 viewers vs 8,000 :slight_smile:

Yeh we def need someone important to represent the PvP community… swifty is old… nobody buys bajheera any more… asmondgold is the most retarded human being now days… this dude tried some 2’s the other day with McConnell healing and at some point McConnell asked him “did you interrupted that polymorph?” And asmon said “dude I don’t even know”. Had to yell at him like “dude you have a gladiator title what happened”. We definitely need some representation because otherwise we are going to stay dead.

I bet Ven, Ziqo, and Supatease would give advice for free. Their at some sort of Blizz studio once a week…i guess no one ever thought of asking.

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Why even bother posting this if that’s all you have to say? Thanks for the “response” and “feedback” regarding the topic at hand. What a frickin joke.


Well the guy twisted what he had said, he also doesn’t even work for Blizzard anymore either. He got laid off when they cut people.

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So basically the game is dying and they are fleecing the sheep for all they can? I mean how can you have a game that people buy (Each Expansion) and then pay a monthly fee (Millions of people) and be going down the drain? Greed is a sad thing for their parent company…

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Thanks for the laugh :rofl: