They keep doing this because they look at data in a vacuum. Every time their internal data shows that players pick X talent to facilitate Y build they automatically think it’s a hit and double down on it, not realizing that people are picking it not because it’s fun but because it’s often the only viable option. The inverse is also true which is why they axed Chrono Shift.
That’s why it’s so important to voice concerns over these gimmicky builds on the forums and other platforms, assuming of course that they actually read them which is sadly a big if. But at least there is a chance, however small, that they might listen and change things that are universally disliked if enough people speak out.
They don’t, and even if they did, they would not understand, because people who do not play frost mage or want to nerf frostmage for what ever reason, get away with trolling you about your “opinion” even when your opinions are not opinions, are in fact, facts, and right about the spec. Hint frostnova+ring sharing nodes, and everyone talks mad trash and trolls saying its fine, when its clearly not fine in 2s as frostbolt build. Lol. Oh well. This is not the only example but it happens to all specs and classes when people voice their concerns.
I’m sure its hard for a normal developer to de-cypher who is right or wrong, especially when you have “3600xp” people saying a different opinion, when in-fact xp means nothing of skill or experience. It’s just a look back at broken specs or even when the game was bugged and they would give out free MMR if you afk’d before the match ended lol.
Plenty of feedback was given that Ice Nova/Ring of Frost node was garbage for Frost. The other two specs don’t care too much, like sure they lose one ranged root since they don’t really use Ice Nova much, but for Frost it’s a throughput talent, so it’s forced to lose Ring of Frost. Btw, this change is just as bad in PvE as it is in PvP, mainly M+.
Those are the number 2 in line, if they are already behind the pillar. Ice nova is a ranged root and can be great for stopping them getting to the pillar!