I’ve heard rumors that a Live, Laugh, Love portrait on your wall will cleanse your household of any 5G virus waves.
Not sure I got back to body and took to air before I could get hit again . Saw zombies heading towards goldshire.
I know I was able to go from zombie to my mech by taking the portal from boralus to sw
5G? that is some broke virus, I can kill a random critter and it will drop 5g.
What server y’all on, im logging into the PTR right now!
Also heard going to your nearest tailoring vendor to purchase and ingest bleach cleanse you of the plague of Undeath.
Worked for me !
I can see your healthy glow!
Benedictus here but pretty sure they are all pretty much connected
No, 1 guy is raging about it being in poor taste cus Covid, I guess the lack of social distancing by the zombies has him triggered, and none of them are wearing masks.
Pretty bad oversight on Blizz’s part really. /sarcasm off
Man they should of made the zombies wear a mask That would of been hilariously fun. Maybe some would see it as distasteful, but those are weak souls that deserve to be crushed.
You seem a bit bitter toward those people who participated in the event but by your own metric “did not participate.”
I remember the event well. I remember griefing the battlemasters and getting yelled at and told to go grief the other faction (because walking to an enemy capital as a zombie was so feasible). So by my own metric I’d say I participated, even if said participation was causing havoc with one city’s single npc cluster. I mean it’s no DDOS I guess.
I rather like the chaos of it personally. It’s like a devil’s night for wow, set the world on fire cause you know sometimes everyone wants to. I’m gonna go load up the ptr and check it out.
I missed out on the WotLK version of the Scourge invasion. This will be interesting to see it this time I hope not to miss it.
Dude if I was overrun by mask wearing zombies today I’d fall over laughing.
Would be hysterical to me, I mean it’s what we have to deal with now, may as well put it on a target so we can shoot for some jokes, get something out of the inconvenience, if only a few chuckles.
The battlemasters and other NPC’s would get infected regardless.
That people nearby didn’t understand how the event works is interesting.
Take advantage of the PTR while you can would be my advice.
I did get on the PTR and tinkered about. It was crazy laggy. I dc’ed so many times I decided to leave.
Yeah this was the only real problem with it. The PTR was unstable before things got rolling.
Huh, I didn’t play then. Why is there a safe space needed or whatever people are talking about…
Have some zombies carrying signs saying Belf Lives Matter
They would eventually, but if you were there when the event started you were definitely able to help it along. That or we were all wrong, both the people doing zombie things and the people getting annoyed at us for doing zombie things. I prefer not to think of it that way though, as that sucks the fun right out of it good or bad.
Honestly im glad people that missed the previous invasion events will get to experience it in some fashion, sure some folks got extra salty - and flying may completely negate the threat of infection, but its not every day you get a zombie apocalypse in a MMO where the zombie bites are very dangerous and not just loot bags marked as undead.