They had the Balls, and Actually did it!

It’d be so much easier and less painful for all involved if you could just opt-out. There’s no enjoyment to be found in this event if you’re not into PvP or ganking, because the zombies are simply too strong for anything else.

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I got to hop on the PTR last night and had a blast. For me it was about dodging the zombies and finding a way around groups of them, as well as trying to pick out which were players and which were npc. The ones who were jumping gave it away lol. Its a really interesting event and it doesn’t last forever. Some of us, like me! missee thr Wrath one because I started after it. Im so excited and glad that they’re trying to bring this back for a limited time, because we to experience a piece of WoW history for a short time.

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I wonder if phased Teldrassil and Undercity will be safe or not.

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Or the whiners could visit old Darnassus or Lordoren (spelling?) and use their AH.

You sound like one heck of a wimpy crybaby toddler who’s stamping his feet because he thinks he might not get his way.

But they can’t have fun unless it is forced on people who don’t want to do it. It’s totally the bully mentality that says, “You’re ruining my fun by refusing to take my abuse!”


What I should like to know, is why after having died to this plague and raised as essentially an intelligent zombie, why I am subject to potentially dying AGAIN? All Forsaken should be immune by our very nature!

Especially my undead deathknight. She’s been dead of the plague and then raised twice, as well as having the ability to control undead, so swarms of zombies not only shouldn’t touch her, but should be her natural subjects!

The mud Clan Lord does this every Halloween, when your toon dies you rise and run around until someone kills you and raises you properly, but there’s a very good reason why it’s only ever done for one night!

i wanna see if they will have the balls for the blood plague incident all over again

bit different that was a bug lol. not a event

i know, but its similar and hilarious

I think it was fun and funny, but it’s different in a very important aspect. There is no PvP solution so it would create a issue with actual griefing.

indeed, but you know… people cry to everything, there is some guys threating to quit the game because of the forced aspect of the ghoul event of the pre patch.
People are gonna cry no matter what, if thats the case lets just screw everything already

Its one of those “gameplay trumps lore” sorta deals.

Just like in lore, almost all Forsaken Priests are Shadow. The number of Holy Priests is so small they’re a statistical anomaly.

But, since they can’t lock you out of a spec … gameplay trumps lore.

I agree, until you go over board with it. Policy is important they have defined griefing as not having a pvp solution. If they forgo that they would need to ignore all other forms of griefing. It’d be bad. At some point you could argue why even have rules at all.

I am hoping it goes live! I am really looking forward to this. I started well after Wrath so didn’t get to experience that one. Looking forward to this one!!!
I am not PVPer but heck - for a couple of weeks I think I will survive (or not - if I get infected is that surviving?? Who knows?). It sounds like a lot of fun to me and is something different.

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People act like they wont have no place to go.

When the wotlk scourge plague hit you had three continents to choose from.
Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, and Outland.

You now have: Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outlands, Northrend, Pandaria, Draenor, Broken Isles, Argus, Zandalar, Kul Tiras

Now you will be able to fly away, we didnt have flight in org/sw until cata.

Also there is a massive difference in the amount of subscriptions playing during the wotlk pre event and the upcoming patch.

So there is going to be much less zombies in a massively larger play space. Stop acting like you won’t be able to play the game.

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plus unless it’s a bug. Simply logging out gets rid of the zombie affect. Ooooo scary.

Im already there…and I have no clue whats going on, lol

Source, please. If it was “all over the news” you shouldn’t have any trouble finding one.

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It was over 15 years ago bro. But there is one on youtube I found awhile back when trying to find source evidence although it’s bad quality. I can show it if you like.

When I was in th4 PTR, Old Darn was safe and had people in it! I haven’t gotten to see Undercity yet