Just stand on a spike and shoot them you are a hunter this event is made for you. They cant fly so they are fish in a barrel for any range.
We survived the zombie event. You will too.
It needs an opt-in. Then it can be as wild and wacky and chaotic as it wants to be.
As it stands right now it’s little different from getting corpse-camped, except now the NPCs are getting in on the action as well.
Do the ghouls not have a gapcloser? Then it’s RNG whether you get infected or not, so range is no solution.
They have a short swiftness ability called ‘Lurch’ which also buffs zombies around them.
Oh. Neat. So that just compounds itself.
Again, a total clownshow that really needs to be opt-in.
Hope you like being attack if you are play paladin they come after you like a hunter on it pray. Bro and me did culling of stratholm leveling up and they completely left me to him lol fallowed him to the exist of the dungeon. That’s a lot of zombies.
If only we had a garrison barber!
Not Everywhere. during WoTLK you only could fly outside of Azeroth and Northrend which wasn’t out yet. so 80% Of content was unflyable.
And its that kind of nasty attitudes that will prevail. Because we can’t play nice, toys get taken away. Attitudes like that is what encourages Blizzard to not be risk takers. Because attitudes like that make them look bad.
I was hitting like a wet noodle for damage. Also, my shadow priest … I wasn’t seeing damage rolling from dots and channeled spells. And I was also seeing a LOT of MISS MISS MISS. Max level toon so that’s not it.
Their leash range is HUGE. More health that players (meh, until combined with heavy armor) which compounds it.
So yeah … very poorly tuned. Not to mention redridge as an example. There were npcs being attacked by what looked like 20-30 ghouls. If I’d landed … they probably would have swarmed all over me. Just raw numbers will kill you.
Not all of us want to play games that cater to the wimpiest crybabies. When you always pitch to the lowest common denominator, it is a race to the bottom. Look at all the hyperbolics and hysterics over an event that will last a few days. People who get their knickers in that much of a twist over this can just stay upset…many of us find that funny.
My body is ready!
Well I see the is still flowing in here do I need to break out the
for some of these people?
thats one hell of a roach!!!
Some days you smoke the roach other days the roach smokes you
Try roof tops…how I did on my druid in Darkshire a bit ago…got to learn to be a roof top sniper…
Go too the Outlands and area 52, there is a barber there not molested by ghouls yet…I went out there on my druid it was clear.
Yeah, at Cosmowrench, too. I haven’t played the PTR - and I was more lamenting not having a barber in the garrison in general; barber mount would be swell, too!
I’m glad they are bringing it back, I hope we can talk cross faction again in ghoul form. Also if people are really upset with this, they can just afk in their garrisons.