They had the Balls, and Actually did it!

Did the quest to kill Nathanos. It was item level 72, which is what world quest gear caps at. So if you have an alt already at 420ish gear … you’re not getting anything besides transmog.

And maybe not even that if what I’ve heard is true. IE that the gear is simply recolors of existing ICC gear.

Like I’ve said, trying to be a voice of reason. I’m not against it. I’m against the number of mobs, the speed they spread at, their health, the fact you can MISS while attacking them (I had around a 50% hit rate), and of course the fact it felt like you were hitting like a wet noddle against them.

In short, its poorly tuned.

Make it optional. Maybe they come in waves, where you have some peace and quiet between waves and can get stuff done. Or maybe phase it so that people who don’t want to get involved can simply ignore it. And of course lose out on the benefits.

But if it goes live with them just as powerful and in the same numbers as they are now … it’s going to be a nightmare and will only encourage nasty behavior. I’m already seeing otherwise decent and reasonable posters behaving like little jerks and refusing to consider how this is going to cause problems or glorifying in the damage.


Did they change the gear mog? Last time it was T2 recolors. I’m currently wearing the Paladin version of that event gear as my Mog.

Yeah for rioting .

Guess what Presidents have dome it before .


Desegregation of Little Rock school

On Sept. 23, 1957, President Dwight Eisenhower signed an executive order sending troops from the Army’s 101st Airborne Division to maintain order and peace during the integration of Central High School (Eisenhower)


Integration of University of Mississippi

Riots erupted on the campus of the University of Mississippi in Oxford on Sept. 30, 1962, when James Meredith, a black Air Force veteran, attempted to integrate the all-white school (Kennedy)


Detroit riots

Ignited when Detroit’s nearly all-white police force arrested several black revelers at an after-hours drinking club in the early morning on July 23, 1967, the riot triggered a devastating period of violence in the city that left 43 people dead and millions of dollars in property destroyed. Thousands of Army troops and National Guardsmen were called to the city. (LBJ)


Chicago riots following assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. (LBJ)


Washington riots following King’s murder (LBJ)

Marines move down the street in southeast Washington. (AP)


Baltimore riots following King’s murder (LBJ)


Looting after Hurricane Hugo (Bush Sr.)


Riots after Rodney King verdict (Bush Sr.)

Source <https ://>

Edit: sorry for big letters info was copy pasted

What does this have to do with a virtual Zombie invasion?


Nothing but read what the person I was replying to said .

That’s why you ignore people who are heavily pushing a matter off topic. Because you let them control the topic and derail it.

Just put them on a short ignore and go on with the thread. That’s how you deal with people derailing a topic. Just because you put them on a short ignore doesn’t mean their point is valid. You’re just not letting them control the topic.

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Or not squashed :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Maybe the new Blizz Devs didn’t get the memo from the old Blizz Devs

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There was no good part of the original event.

I remember sitting on a plant up in the air in Shattrath and then logging off and unsubscribing until the expansion launched because I couldn’t do anything in game because of the event.


You give players unrestricted power with no consequences … and they’ll abuse it. That’s a proven fact. Blizzard never seems to learn unless it costs them money.


you will probably hate it after a few mins


Again, just make it a War Mode-esque opt-in, some safeguards to protect leveling and questing, and every single issue with this event vanishes.


I mean, like I said earlier, I’ll just log for the duration and go fire up my swtor account. Get reacquainted with my LS Sith Warrior. Do some OPs/warzones/flashpoints.

You can have your grief-fest.


Be as baffled as you like. The event annoys me to no end. As I said earlier, I’ll log for the duration and fire up my LS Sith Warrior over on swtor. Do OPs/warzones/Flashpoints till Blizz turns it off.

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Wait, is this that zombie event? Talk about memes.

ZOoooommmbbbies :eyes: :scream:

I look forward to feasting on the tears of those who lack the emotional fortitude to deal with it.

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If the zombie part is the same it will be only a week.

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It needs a lot of tuning. Holy priests can’t cleanse it like they did in the WotLK pre-patch. Have not tried a pally yet. This is hopefully ramped up and not the first day - the WotLK event got incrementally to this level after a few days.

-It is far too easy for ppl to amass dc’ing numbers of zombies; and the susceptibility of NPCs means huge conglomerations in Portal room and around SW.
-NPCs should either not spawn while their current zombie form is still alive, or the former zombie should keel over when a new NPC spawns. Players need to be limited in how many they can each recruit.

What spoilt the last event was because players lost their agency completely. Infected ppl (who didn’t want to be zombies) would turn without any chance to be cleansed because the time to turn was so brief. I noticed that the little groups of yellow vermin can cause an insta-turn as well, looks like percent chance but I didn’t see enough. That is not a good idea.

[Ed. On the PTR. You need to first install the game for the PTR version option of your bnet desktop app. If you don’t have a char on PTR at all, you need to create one (doesn’t need to be played) before the option appears on your screen to copy your BFA char over.