They had the Balls, and Actually did it!

I mean they’d have a point.

We already have Aholes purposely spreading a disease because MER FREEDERMS! in real life, do we really need it in WOW too?


One of my greatest memories in WOW is being a ghoul in Shattrath and battling my Paladin guildies as they try to cleanse the plague.

Just so much fun. I am truly baffled by people who didn’t like this. It’s like they have a routine and are so put out at something memorable changing the world their character is in they can’t just enjoy it or adapt for a week.


There were flying mounts then as well? Not sure if the point being made here.

What if they decide to toss the infectious ghouls in the Garrisons too?

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The ghouls aren’t dangerous. The part that’s hard to deal with is other players purposely spreading the disease and other players can’t get in your garrison unless you let them in.

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Except now there servers cant remotely handle this.

Now that would be interesting I never took holloweve out of my garrison :slightly_smiling_face:


I hope like hell they don’t nerf it. Crazy events like this are the most fun part of MMORPGs imo.


The ghouls are grossly overtuned right now compared to how it was before Wrath. The Argent Healers are also grossly undertuned.

Hoping they adjust it to be more like Wrath so there is some form of control afforded up until the final part where the Argent Healers just utterly vanish. That final part was honestly the best segment of the event.

No, it isn’t. It wastes time and wrecks the Death Knight class fantasy.


How about dueling in pvp vendor area? Pog

Players can use the AH at their garrison. The bank as well.
Problem solved! XD

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I really hope it goes live.

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Cool, something for people to rage about… the usual around here.

I have question,would the ghoul be scaled for lowbies?

They didn’t even give the ghouls the new DK model.

The salt on the forums from this event shall sustain me for months. I shall be out in full force hunting down zombies and when I finally fall I will make it my mission to infect as many people as possible.



Translation: get infected and go to Winterspring for some unadulterated chaos!

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you can summon a GB anywhere now

How long is the infection because that’s a long way to winterspring. And would it affect BG’s?

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